Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Doesn't hurt to post something does it?

How am I? Life is going well for me actually, if you don't count the earthquakes and tsunamis that seem to be becoming a norm in the world now. Mother Earth, what is going on? I take it you're not very pleased with the way we're treating you but do you really have to take 1000s of lives with you? The thing that really bugs me is that no one expected this at all! You'd think that with Japan's super-robo-konichiwa technology, there'd be a loophole or some wasabi-powered machine that would have detected something was wrong. I mean, wasn't Japan built to withstand these kinds of natural disasters? With all these mournful happenings going on, it makes my life seem so small and petty in comparison.

On a lighter note, the March holidays have started so I get a very much needed week off from school. If only I didn't have so much homework due. Then again, why am I complaining? Literally just finished the last paragraph of my BM essay (thank God for the internet) so all that's left are a couple of questions here and there which I have no idea how to do, so I'm just leaving it be till the next half of the semester starts. Tried to ask my mom for some help but it just left us both frustrated. I wish Nick were still here to help me with +maths.
PS: Nick is doing fine in Melbourne by the way. He seems to be enjoying 'freedom'. I asked him the other day on Skype if he missed me and he said "honestly, a little."

Also, have you heard the song Friday by Rebecca Black yet? If it's a no, click here. If it's a yes, click here. Don't worry, the first link is of the original song, the second is of my personal favorite version of it. Aren't the lyrics absolute genius? I would have never guessed that Thursday was before Friday and that Sunday came after Saturday which comes after Friday. It's a revelation.

No, I'm not going to mention anything about this being a 'boring post' or apologize because it's only filled with words because if I have something to say, then it's not boring. Content is not boring and neither am I. If you've gotten this far down the post, well done. Go indulge.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Carrot Cake

I baked a carrot cake today and it turned out excellent! Despite how obvious it is, I never knew carrot cake had actual carrots in it.


1 cup (100 grams) pecans or walnuts
3/4 pound (340 grams) raw carrots (about 2 1/2 cups finely grated)
2 cups (260 grams) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
4 large eggs
1 1/2 cups (300 grams) granulated white sugar
1 cup (240 ml) safflower, vegetable or canola oil (or other flavorless oil)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Cream Cheese Frosting:
1/4 cup (57 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
8 ounces (227 grams) cream cheese, room temperature
2 cups (230 grams) confectioners (powdered or icing) sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon (4 grams) pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest (outer yellow skin)
Carrot Cake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Butter or spray two - 9 x 2 inch (23 x 5 cm) cake pans and line the bottoms of the pans with a circle of parchment paper. 
Toast the pecans or walnuts for about 8 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant. Let cool and then chop coarsely.
Peel and finely grate the carrots. Set aside.
In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and ground cinnamon. Set aside.
In bowl of electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the eggs until frothy (about 1 minute). Gradually add the sugar and beat until the batter is thick and light colored (about 3 - 4 minutes). Add the oil in a steady stream and then beat in the vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture and beat just until incorporated. With a large rubber spatula fold in the grated carrots and chopped nuts. Evenly divide the batter between the two prepared pans and bake 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  
Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack. After about 5 -10 minutes invert the cakes onto the wire rack, remove the pans and parchment paper, and then cool completely before frosting. 
To assemble: place one cake layer, top side down, onto your serving plate. Spread with about one third of the frosting. Gently place the other cake, top of cake facing down, onto the frosting, and spread the rest of the frosting over the top and sides of the cake. If desired, press toasted and finely chopped nuts on the sides of the cake and decorate the top of the cake with marzipan carrots (see below). Cover and refrigerate any leftovers.
Serves 10 - 12.
Cream Cheese Frosting: In bowl of electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the cream cheese and butter, on low speed, just until blended with no lumps. Gradually add the sifted powdered sugar and beat, on low speed, until fully incorporated and smooth.  Beat in the vanilla extract, and lemon zest.

The pictures aren't as nice as I hoped they could be but they'll do :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Dear blog,
I've neglected you for too long, constantly checking up on you having a million things to say but in the end half-heartedly deciding on leaving my comeback post blank yet again, preventing myself from giving you the updates you so clearly were created for.

Here I am everyone. Finally manning up to actually sit myself down to type out a mid-holiday post after 3 sloth-like months. It would take too much brainpower to recap on everything that happened these past laid-back months and not to mention another forever typing it all out to my impeccable standards. I tend to go over my words over and over if it isn't to my liking. I'm sure most of my readers have slowly died out to the point of extinction. I don't even know if there are some hopeful ones who check in every once in a while hoping I would have at the least done something! Either way, I'll continue.

Last Sunday, there was a very delayed neighborhood Deepavali get-together at the park and Danial was there. Had one of those clique chats by the swing catching up on the what-nots. He told me he's going to UK to study next year but when he asked me what I've been doing during the holidays, all I could think of was "nothing." I've been such a lifeless nooby these past weeks ever since all my lady friends went overseas ie. UK, Singapore & Spain for the holidays whereas I'm stuck here doing (as my mom likes to call it) counting my fingers and toes.

It's not like I've completely dropped off the face of the cyber universe. I go on Facebook, I still tweet, I google (a little too much). It's just that all these don't require the commitment a blog needs. I'm young, give me a break.

On top of that, I've been channeling my inner-art-child by making lots and lots of perler bead projects. Latest one is of a baby seal. I just copied the shape of a whale on the internet and used white instead of baby blue.
I'm wearing nail polish by the way. That can't possibly be my natural nail colour. I wish.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I got hit in the head with a volleyball

Photo taken with Amanda's DSLR last Friday after everyone snuck out of Art class a few minutes before the bell rang. I was tagged on Facebook so where better to showcase this than here? This was of course before Jie Yao's second drastic haircut.

Speaking of classmates, the boys and I filled latex gloves with water in the Science lab. They looked like condoms. Just saying. Whole bunch of us were laughing at the back of the class cause the fingers kept expanding and contracting which resembled...you know. Dirty minds think alike.

PS: Olney's coming to visit tomorrow after school! Get your cameras ready.
PPS: I say get your cameras ready cause at WorldStage there was this girl trying to get a picture of his back thinking no one would notice. We noticed. You see, tall white guys + little asian girls always mix well.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just The Way You Are; Bruno Mars

I don't like homework. Especially if they involve Sejarah or BM. I just had to finish a set each of Sejarah & BM papers with a total of 140 questions. I can't wait to get PMR over with and start O-Levels next year. At least their History lesson is in English and it's not about some Malay guy fighting for the rite to collect taxes on a river. I'm not even sure if I'm going to take History next year or of what else I'm taking or what I want to be. Of course I've drifted from one cita-cita to the next but I'm not grounded on what I want my career to be or what line of work I want to be involved with. I did want to be a nurse (back when dinosaurs still roamed the earth) but I found out that you have to sponge-bath old people and deal with blood so that dream was flushed down the drain along with the other poo-ey ideas. When I went for the Japan exchange program in Form 1 (2008), Misaki (my host) took me to the aquarium which had this awesome dolphin show. For a split second I thought of becoming a dolphin trainer but the thought of smelling like fish everyday wasn't very pleasing. I do know what I don't want to be though. I don't want to be a doctor (anything that requires me to slice someone open actually), an engineer, a lawyer, a ballerina (as if I'm capable) or a business manager.

PS: You're amazing just the way you are
& when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while
PPS: Shutup I'm not in love. I just really like the song :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Zombie Bombs

I've been all over the place today. From shopping in Times Square getting a scoop-neck white lace crop-top (even saying that gets me giggly. I'll just leave it to your imagination to how it looks like) to visiting my grandma all the way in Kepong to borrow my uncle's stick-shift Proton for Nick to practice his driving, having the best pineapple tart in my life at O'Pappa on the way to visit my other grandma, eating at Elfresco for the second night in a row in Empire, laughing obnoxiously in the Korean food aisle about zombie bombs (which are surprisingly un-Plants vs. Zombies-related), stocking up on more microwave popcorn, imitating that Chef At Home guy's over-enthusiastic accent with my brother and falling in love with puddles of poodles the size of my serving of aglio olio pasta to buying a dozen bottles of wine at Denise for 70% off just cause we can.

That's right. I know how to sum up my entire day in a single sentence/paragraph without over-doing the details.