Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Doesn't hurt to post something does it?

How am I? Life is going well for me actually, if you don't count the earthquakes and tsunamis that seem to be becoming a norm in the world now. Mother Earth, what is going on? I take it you're not very pleased with the way we're treating you but do you really have to take 1000s of lives with you? The thing that really bugs me is that no one expected this at all! You'd think that with Japan's super-robo-konichiwa technology, there'd be a loophole or some wasabi-powered machine that would have detected something was wrong. I mean, wasn't Japan built to withstand these kinds of natural disasters? With all these mournful happenings going on, it makes my life seem so small and petty in comparison.

On a lighter note, the March holidays have started so I get a very much needed week off from school. If only I didn't have so much homework due. Then again, why am I complaining? Literally just finished the last paragraph of my BM essay (thank God for the internet) so all that's left are a couple of questions here and there which I have no idea how to do, so I'm just leaving it be till the next half of the semester starts. Tried to ask my mom for some help but it just left us both frustrated. I wish Nick were still here to help me with +maths.
PS: Nick is doing fine in Melbourne by the way. He seems to be enjoying 'freedom'. I asked him the other day on Skype if he missed me and he said "honestly, a little."

Also, have you heard the song Friday by Rebecca Black yet? If it's a no, click here. If it's a yes, click here. Don't worry, the first link is of the original song, the second is of my personal favorite version of it. Aren't the lyrics absolute genius? I would have never guessed that Thursday was before Friday and that Sunday came after Saturday which comes after Friday. It's a revelation.

No, I'm not going to mention anything about this being a 'boring post' or apologize because it's only filled with words because if I have something to say, then it's not boring. Content is not boring and neither am I. If you've gotten this far down the post, well done. Go indulge.