Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My brother got this for me from Disneyland in Tokyo three years ago. They're paperclips.

Monday, March 29, 2010


It's my mom's birthday. This morning I completely forgot to wish her (cause you know, people don't think straight early in the morning). I only realized it when I was in school writing down the date in my Maths book which was after she woke me up, had a tiny chat with her at the computer table and walked Nick & I to school. Gosh, I'm a douche-bag daughter. So I'm yelling "CRAP!" to Eugene telling him it's my mom's birthday and how I forgot. I got the class to sign a card that I made Jerry draw for me though.
Jerry is a cheese ball friend. He drew my mom and Fuzzy.
Eugene drew John & Jaryn.

Hey 3 Gamma, my mom says thanks. She liked the card :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Celebrated Shu Lynn's birthday yesterday with Alia, Hariz, Piong and Teng Han. Right after everyone finished their Saturday morning usuals (i.e. cheer, volleyball) we walked to Rakuzen (where we carelessly freeloaded off Shu Lynn who was generous enough to buy everyone lunch.)
Teng Han looking through my report card.
 "I'm a walrus." - Aliaputri.

So here's to you my little Sheryl *inside joke*. Happy Belated Birthday!
 Taken at her house one fine day last year.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Stop breathing my oxygen.

Today, I skipped school and attended my granddad's funeral. He was dressed up in his favorite brown suit. His coffin was white with a big silver-colored cross on the cover and 85% of his blood was drained and replaced with an embalming fluid. For the past 3 days his body has been lying in a box with his hands laced together. He was cremated after a short mass at St. Ignatius Xavier's church this morning. We lay white roses in his coffin before the cremation. I saw them push the coffin into the giant oven. The guy that operated it left a small gap to let us see the fire hit the bottom of the coffin. After about 30 seconds, he closed the gap and that was the end. Everyone walked next door to the place-where-they-keep-the-urns-filled-with-ashes (correct me if I'm wrong) to reserve a spot for my grandfather.

R.I.P. Louis Khoo Kok Leong.

PS: R.I.P. Jaryn's grandmother.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

This morning.

I met an 88 year old man with Alzheimer's at the nursing home today. His family - specifically his niece - was showing him pictures on the computer of his family, friends and his late wife. He couldn't remember any of them. Not even his wife. He kept calling his niece fat but one of the nurses at the home interrupted him saying, "She's not fat. She's SEXYY!" Then everyone laughed - including me. I was eavesdropping unintentionally. How could I resist when they were only 3 feet away? 

"These are your wedding photos. See, that's you and Ah Ma."
"That's not me. That's somebody else. I'm not married."

PS: We call my granddad's roommate Uncle Ooi. I have mentioned about him before. Today, he put on his Bata running shoes, held on to the table in front of him and starting walking on the spot for some exercise.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

You stupid reptile.

Went out to Sunway for lunch and a movie with Nick, (he came back from Singapore for the holidays.) Jie Yao, Jeng Jie, Ieuan, Timothy, Xiao Lin, Riena, John, Jerry and Wei Lym this morning, afternoon and evening. I've been walking around the mall for 6 hours. My legs are tired and I'm tired. After yelling at each other on what movie to watch - How to Train your Dragon - spent god-knows-how-long in the arcade getting our tokens eaten by crappy machines, yelling "DIEDIEDIE" at the zombies on the screen and continuously asking each other "Where's everyone?" cause the boys just kept walking off on their own. When we finally sit down to get something to eat at Pasta Zanmai, we wait for thousands of years for them to cook a pizza after asking for it 3 times with them reassuring us that it was "on the way" even though the waiter said the same thing half an hour before. Then I had to persuade Nick not to waste his money on a pair of RM80 plain, white canvas shoes after spending over a hundred bucks on a black hoodie from Topman. In the movie theater, we're 5 minutes late and the movie had already started. We make a hell load of noise and actually burst out laughing when Ieuan mentions - rather loudly "Oh no! I'm tumbling down the stairs!" even though he clearly wasn't. Anson - whom I was blessed to be able to sit next to - pisses off the lady in front of him cause his long legs kept pushing against her seat. After the movie, that same lady starts telling Nick off - with everyone thinking to themselves "wrongpersonwrongperson" but were just too chicken to tell her. Later, we walk around aimlessly for another hour until Dan & Alia show up from their hardcore 9am-3pm tuition. Everyone else goes home so the three of us - meaning Dan, Alia & I - take Jerry with us to sit on the man benches outside the stores while we tried on clothes inside - man benches meaning the benches outside stores where the men sit usually with the shopping bags while their girlfriend/wife was inside shopping. We felt bad so decided to let him choose the next destination - Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt. I couldn't stay though. My mom was already waiting outside in her car at the main entrance so I left, had dinner, took a shower & blogged.

There you go. I just enlightened you on my entire day in one paragraph :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nature Valley is so much better.

My granddad was admitted to the hospital again today. So, what did I do while I was home alone? Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, TV and junk food. Today was not one of those triumphant days to be proud of. I did manage to catch some peanuts a few times in a row in my mouth though. I turned the music on loud enough to not hear anything else but soft enough to not be heard from outside. I stoned. I sat. I laid eggs. I made an omelet from those eggs. I blocked Olney on msn after arguing with him over cereal bars - with which he refused to agree that crunchy cereal bars were better than the chewy kind. I took a nap on the floor with my dog snuggled up against my armpit. I clipped my toenails. I read MLIA. I read FML. I ate a cereal bar & leftover porridge for lunch. I ate microwaved fishballs and a chocolate bar for dinner. I had green grapes for dessert.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My dog loves treats

Today was a good day. I stayed home and watched movies all day.

PS: I recommend you watch 'Alice in Wonderland'.
PPS: Also, go watch 'A lot like love'. Ashton Kutcher is in it. He's ridiculously cute :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

You're such a nipple.

Twisted my hair into a bun.

Went out to Sunway with Sheena, Alia & Danielle after cheer practice for some window shopping and a movie. Ditched the movie literally 10 minutes before it started cause we got lazy to sit in a dark cinema for 2 hours. I'm sure we're not the only ones but Topshop depressed Alia and I. They have the prettiest clothes at the ugliest prices. Sometimes I just wish Malaysian currency were higher. The rest of the day revolved around trying on expensive clothes, pissing off the salesgirls at Forever21, skipping & laughing while eating ridiculously spicy Thai food. Note to self: never laugh while swallowing tom yam soup.
 PS: It was one of those good days.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Mr. Nathan retired today.

No more
"Good morning school.
Have you given your attendance?
Now, get ready to learn a word a day."
in the mornings.

I've never directly associated myself with Mr. Nathan before - except the occasional white lies to excuse myself from PE. He was the school's disciplinary head, cricket coach & the fear of every student. I never even knew he was 75 until today. They had a special assembly for him in the great hall. Throughout the speeches, Grace & I were talking about how Mr. Nathan was a vampire. For every person that was mentioned, we'd say how Mr. Nathan sucked their blood and killed them. It was just a joke. Chill. I still respect the man.

After assembly, everyone lined up along the car park and bulldozed after his car making sure to block his way. It was retarded. 1000 students were running around the car park waving, shaking hands & hugging Mr. Nathan. People were taking pictures with their awesome cameras like paparazzo chasing after a celebrity. People were showering their love over him. I think people will actually miss Mr. Nathan.
Fortune cookies can be very flattering sometimes

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hit by a bus

I keep forgetting to blog. Yes, I forgot. The same excuse you give your teacher when you don't do your homework and you tell them you just forgot to bring it. I've just been really busy. Busy enough to not care about the internet. This week it's been full of stressing over exam scores - cause I know I could have done better, finishing last minute homework to get last minute coursework marks, getting started with my Sejarah project & Lake Run! Blue had their lake run on Wednesday and I qualified! According to Dan, I looked like shit after I finished the run. My face was screwed up from a) not being able to breathe and b) having my legs wobble like Bambi trying to find a shady spot to sit down. Halfway through, there was this little moron in my head yelling "SO. TIRED. STOP." I never want to be a marathon runner ever even though it did feel quite nice qualifying.

Today, I literally ran out of Chinese class with Sheena like a lunatic. Mr. Alex turned his back for 5 seconds and we made a dash for the door jumping over a few chairs and ran past the entire stretch of classrooms to the stairs. The first time we tried, he caught us. Then the bell for junior lunch rang and we started jumping up and down going "Bell bell bell!" but he potong the moment by saying "sorry it's not time yet." After that, we managed to escape.

PS: I'm going for the Charity Dinner. Are you?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I finally watched Forrest Gump on HBO last night. By the end of the movie, I was sobbing so much it was like a waterfall sprouted from my face. Tom Hanks is the shit. He's eating ice cream in the pictures cause he got shot in the I quote "but-tocks." while in Vietnam for the army. Definitely the best movie I've ever watched.

The part that turned my eyes literally into a running tap was when he was standing over his wife's grave after she passed from an illness saying...

You died on a Saturday morning. And I had you placed here under our tree. And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Momma always said dyin' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. Little Forrest, he's doing just fine. About to start school again soon. I make his breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. I make sure he combs his hair and brushes his teeth every day. Teaching him how to play ping-pong. He's really good. We fish a lot. And every night, we read a book. He's so smart, Jenny. You'd be so proud of him. I am. He, uh, wrote a letter, and he says I can't read it. I'm not supposed to, so I'll just leave it here for you. Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if, if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time. I miss you, Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away.  

It was late when the movie ended & I didn't have time to calm myself down so I went straight to bed. This morning, I woke up with puffy eyes.

That's what all these cripples down at the VA talk about: Jesus this and Jesus that, have I found Jesus yet? They even had a priest come and talk to me. He said God is listening and if I found Jesus, I'd get to walk beside him in the kingdom of Heaven. Did you hear what I said? WALK beside him in the kingdom of Heaven! Well kiss my crippled ass. God is listening? What a crock of shit. 
- Lieutenant Dan

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hi everyone :)
How was your week? Mine was filled with exams, last minute cramming, playing chi-ku-pak 15 minutes before the Sejarah paper, giving each other wtf looks when we didn't know the answer, falling asleep in class, weird dreams & high-fives with Leon.

It's strange. Every day for the past 6 days I've been having odd dreams. On Wednesday night, I had a dream (lol. Susan Boyle.) that I was Harry Potter. Hogwarts looked exactly like my room and Ron was there too. Hermione's underwear was in my stack of clothes and when I returned it to her, her roommate stepped on a grasshopper & a professor named Mr. Grasshopper died.

On Sunday, it was about stalking Ciara on a bus. Then the whole scene switched to this white room with two arched doorways. Olney was there and he was pissed cause somebody was touching my neck.

Yesterday, my dream was about me waking up late for cheer practice. Grace was there. I was trying to find a pair of pants to wear but couldn't. Then I cried just cause I couldn't find a pair of pants.

I can't remember any of the other dreams but I'm guessing all this went on cause of stress? Exams finally ended today so I'm hoping the weirdness ends too. Cheer practice went on as usual after school. It's been more than a week since the last practice & I've been growing back my potato-bone each day that passed by without any exercise.

PS: This post sounds like a factual essay.
Brisbane 2004. LOL.