Sunday, October 25, 2009

Who's Emma?

School on Saturday.

Anson was very nice. Apparently he only came to school to 'see me'. Complete bullshit. I know. But he let me use the computer in the Matrix lab instead of diving head-first into the crowd of adolescent boys whose first instinct is to play Dota so it's all good.

Jie Yao & I pretended to be students from Delta for half the period and the teacher didn't know. We sat at the back of the class with him repeatedly saying "sien lah."

For Chinese, he sneaked into the Discovery Lab to a watch movie with the rest of us. All 4 of us - Bryan, Anson, Jie Yao & I - piled onto the table, on our stomachs to watch the movie. Sue Ann cried during the parts where I was laughing at.

Only Alia & Grace came yesterday so Hariz joined us for break to even out the numbers - cause his girlfriend was a no-show. He told us they went on a date on Friday :)

I'm at home. It's a Sunday. As usual my morning started out by waking up at 8.30 to go to CHURCH for classes. There's going to be a concert on the 14th of November. I'm not interested. I don't want to be part of it. I just want to lay low so they won't call my name to act as Jesus of something.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Small Shorts

Happy Birthday Hsien Zern :]

I like having Chinese period with Sheena. As long as we pretend to pay attention, nod when needed to, answer when asked to, we get to ramble about stuff to each other.

Alia, Shu & Dan came over after school. We ate pasta, chips, chocolate and watched a movie. He's just not that into you. Shu kept raping my dog throughout the movie & Alia has the hots for Shu now. Dan stayed back after the other two left (for their date *eyebrows*) Lied on the bed talking to her about the usual. School, boys, Manfred the sex bunny. She asked me to show her the puppet Olney got me for my birthday. Which we then attempted to beat my dog with.

With his animal instincts, he tried to pull a PG18 on it.
I showed my mom the pictures & she just tutted.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Things I'm looking forward to in the next couple of months:

AAR!Italy.Pasta day at Shu's house.Shanghai.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kaum Muda

I'm tired. For the past 3 hours I have been sitting at the dining table scrambling to try to finish my notes but I'm only halfway done. It's due this Friday. Daaaaaaaaamn.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Queen

Today my Form1 BM teacher remembered everyone in class from last year except me. She called me Natalie.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tokong Cina

I like being at home cause no one can see me sneak 12345 truffles into my room. I've been in Ipoh for the past two days and it feels good to be back in a city with air-conditioning and escalators. We stayed overnight at a hotel called Fairmont (?) I think. Supposed to have bunked in at my grandpa's house but my uncle moved in with his new wife & my mum wasn't too keen on sharing a space with them. So why not spend 90bucks for the night?

There was a festival going
on at this temple right outside the hotel. People were karaoke-ing, lighting up candles & WALKING BAREFOOT ON HOT COAL. My God, that was the single most awesome thing I had ever seen.

Spent most of the two days playing Smackdown2 on my cousins' PlayStation (they're like antiques now.) It's been a really long time since I've even touched one of those & I suck at it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mozart Men

I'm wondering how some people can remember every freaking detail of their day, or the past few days and write it down as if they had planned it out on a sheet of paper. I've been blog hopping a lot lately and most of their posts consist of every excruciating event that happened. From what they said that day word-by-word to when they went to the bathroom. I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night. Yes, they've got every right to write whatever they want. I was just wondering. They must have like the best memory ever.

I've got an art exam coming up. Next Thursday. I chose the question:

Seorang tukang kasut sedang asyik menjahit kasut. Kelihatan beberapa keperluan menjahit bertaburan di lantai kaki lima. Kelihatan juga beberapa pasang kasut tersusun untuk diperbaiki. Gambarkan keadaan ini dengan menitikberatkan rupa bentuk objek dan pergerakan dari jarak dekat.

It's subjective so I get to draw, paint & colour it however I want.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Jelly. Me. Eugene.
OhMyGod my finger smells like apricots!

Really? *sniff*

OhyMyGod you're right!


Jelly's finger smells like apricots!

HAHAHA it does!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Powerthirst is crystal meth in a can!

Ignore the fish.

Comfort food. I need comfort food. I don't feel down in the dumps. I just feel like eating something good. I want chocolate rice crispies. There are truffles in the fridge that my grandma bought during her trip to Canada. I think I still have about a few dozen mini Reese's in there too. Excellent >:)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It was Nick's last day in SriKL today. If you don't already know, he got a scholarship down in Singapore so he's going there to stay in a hostel. It sucks cause I'll be missing him like CRAZY! He's like my best friend (besides Jaryn :) in class. He lets me draw all over his ginormous pencilbox. He doesn't hit me back when I slap him. He smells better than Calvin. When I forget to bring my books, SOMETIMES he lets me take his. He gave me two of his magic markers (unwillingly) and only asked for them back once. He agrees with me on everything just because I say so, no matter how ridiculous a statement it was.

I could go on and on about the little things. He's my friend. I'll miss him. To Nick:
Remember, you're

an absolute crapper and you suck


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Goodbye Nix

Nicholas Tan Jing Wen's farewell. All of us -meaning Nick, Jaryn, Leon(fat), Stephanie, Eugene, Jelly, Chrystal, Jie Yao, Tims & I- had lunch together at Genji in PJ Hilton. The food there is pretty good. I especially liked eating my tempura with the chocolate fondue :) Tims came an hour late; as expected. I'm flooding this post with pictures.All of us got so many pictures of Eugene stuffing food in his mouth.Mickey mouse.
My ice cream. Jaryn's.
Leon FAT.
We stayed there horsing around from 12 - 2.30pm and waited in the lobby for Nick's dad to pick us all up to go to Sunway. Jie Yao made some new friends.
I got into his dad's car with Jie Yao, Leon & Jaryn while the rest rode off into the sunset with Nick's mom. We get there and while collecting the movie tickets, I see Megat and his brother standing behind us calling my name. I smile, walk away.

Jaryn, Stephanie & I dragged the boys along to Forever21 to help us choose dresses to try on. They waited for us outside the changing rooms but some were too loose, too tight or revealed a bit too much. Stephanie looked great in everything of course :)

Jelly payed for my drink in A&W after that (unwillingly.)
In the cinema, I was booed for making us choose the seats two rows from the screen. We got to put up our feet on the seats in front of us so it was all good. I had my hands plastered to my face throughout the movie with Jie Yao sitting next to me saying "So nice." every time someone died. Leon payed for my drink (unwillingly.)

These boys really are like my brothers from another mother. I guess if you have to look at them practically everyday for the past 2 years, you do get attached somehow.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Is she available? YesNo

Today was kindasortapretty awesome.

Jaryn, Grace & Alia brought chocolates.
Sheena & I ditched Chinese class to play ChiKuPak with Shu & Jar.
Me & Jar were Jelly's ladies in the Discovery Lab.
Dan & Grace came over after school.
I left Dan at home to go to Summit for dinner.
We went to Giant to get groceries.
My mom got McD's icecream for Nick & me.
Drove to Carrefour after that to get some bacon.
Watched two hamsters get it on.
Met a TINY tortoise the size of my big toe. I picked it up when no one was looking and started talking to it. (I specifically remember a sign on the container saying "Do not touch") I think it understood me cause the longer I spoke, the bigger his eyes would open. (It was a boy :) I wanted to get it cause it was only RM6.90 but, you know, my mom wouldn't let me cause of the past suicide attempts of my other 4 tortoises. 2 of which died from unknown reasons. If I did get it, I'd have named him Freddie. It suits him.

Shut up. I know, talking to a tortoise is stupid.

P/S: New Perspective by Panic! at the Disco.
Screen shots from the music video.