Sunday, May 31, 2009

Charity Dinner

I'm too darn lazy to upload all the pictures from last night in this post. Just look it up on my Facebook if you want.Where do I begin? So many things happened last night. Too many to remember. Everyone looked so gorgeous; as if they just came out of a magazine. I've never seen so many good-looking people in one place in my life. I could not help feeling self-conscious. I think more than 200 people came. Not including the others that crashed the dinner.There was this waiter that looked awfully funny. Every time he turned his face towards us, Jaryn&I started laughing and laughing and laughing. Thank goodness he wasn't serving our table. We'd probably have choked on the food.Barely anyone ate the food anyway. Everyone was too busy taking photos with each other, talking&walking. Including me. A lot of girls brought their boyfriends and boys brought their girlfriends. Khairi asked Sheena&I why we didn't have dates. Who needs a date?Caprice came to perform too. Alia was giggly-fied that she got a picture and a hug with him. The rest is all a blur cause we were too busy drinking our soup (oh gosh.) but one of the dancers came to sit between Adam&Alia. He shook Adam's hand while still moving about on the stool. The masks they wore we veryvery nice. veryVERY nice.Nat's little sister is way adorable. I don't know how old she is but her name is Ashley. Yee Sam kept saying *cough*fuck*cough* in every sentence so she kicked him. Nat found out that she was kicking him so Ashley said, "They told me to kick him cause he kept saying the f word!" Very cute.The best thing about the night was THE DANCE FLOOR. Two hours of non-stop ass shaking, arm swinging, sweat beading, head banging, song singing, heavy breathing&bodies moving. Some odd unknown guy came up and started dancing with Alia too. Mad funny.
Li Shing. Me.
What's your name?!
HI! I'm Li Shing!
I know!

Just imagine that conversation over blaring music and us shouting out the words. Yup. It was VERY difficult to talk to anyone there.
By the end of the night, my legs were so sore and ache-ey that it even hurt to shift from foot to foot. Got home around...12.20? Slept till 10 this morning but my legs are still pretty wobbly. It's a real pain to go up and down the stairs now. Sometimes, my legs just give way mid-step.

Just one more thing before I sign off, BEST. NIGHT. SO FAR.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Olney came to school today all the way from Brunei! I must admit, I am terribly happy that he came to visit. Terribly. I tell you, he is blardy tall like some gigantic, Eurasian. And he smells good too. His accent is mad funny. Plus, he's got a lisp so he says 'iwwitated' instead of 'irritated'. I love teasing him about that.

Anyways, it's been a week since I've touched the computer. One. Whole. Week.

Mr Kao.

(forgot what he said)

Your head.

Yes it's my head.

Your balls lah...


I said, your balls lah...

In the library yesterday, Sheena was trying to study Science but i kept distracting her. First, I started laughing at the pictures in this book about ships. (She wrote 'whoah' on one of the pages.) Then, I shuffled around the shelves trying to make friction to zap some of the form 1 fellas. Sheena was giving me the what-the-fruck face the whole time. I think she ended up saying "If you do anything else, I'll kill you" 5 or 6 times.
Jaryn & Shu galloped into the library later so we left Sheena where she was to go the far end of the room, laughing and zapping away.

This morning, I 'accidentally' spat out water from the third floor. It hit Fabien. I didn't mean to! Ok maybe I did, but I wasn't aiming for him! Sorry about that. Thank goodness he was cool about it.
During assembly, there was this bloody annoying bird making that awful screeching noise CAW!CAW! That's all.

Exams were a complete fuzzy mess. I never want to compare answers with anyone cause i memang know I'll get some wrongs. Sejarah was today. 20 minutes before the exam started, everyone was frantically jumping around asking questions, reading the textbook and trying to cram in some extra info on Raja Abdullah and what-not.

Other than that, I can't remember what happened the past week. Except that Dan is in Aussie attending a wedding. I miss my buddy.

Things my dad says.

While watching PowerRangers:
They're going to sell burgers.

On paying for dinner:
You two are paying for dinner. Father's orders.

On matresses:
Malaysians like soft matresses. Those china apeks don't know how to enjoy soft matresses. All of theirs are so hard.

On my brother's virginity:
Do you think we should de-virginize Nick?

To my mom:
I loove you I neeeed you I can't live withoooout you.

Friday, May 22, 2009


School is being a bitch. Not that anything bad happened but piles of books and studying and work are flying in. I've had Sejarah up till my eyebrows by now. Finally managed to read up on Chapter 2 of that blardy text book. I'll be off now but here's just some updates from this week.

Won't be updating for the next week or so either.
Exams are starting tomorrow. Two BM papers. On a Saturday.

Monday, 18th May
Assembly in the Courtyard. Mr Tan mentioned something about 'these bunch of girls during Open Day that sat on the tables in the canteen with their legs apart'. Then we broke up into fits.I look like a freaking elephant. Oh great, I look like some virgin bitch too. Who's my husband again? Oh i remember. It's Joseph. (He's talking about Mother Mary.) I love dressing Nick up. He lets me do whatever and he can't complain.

Tuesday, 19th May

Dan and I started lesbo-ing around. During lunch, we spent about 10 minutes laughing our bottoms off at the-place-we-take-drinks. (i don't know what you call that 'area'.) We ended up splashing water onto each other's skirts and saying "I wet myself!" and in the primary girls' bathroom, we were like little 5 year olds. Splashing here and there. Screaming when we got hit. But the achii came in shouting "Why you playing water here? Get the mop and clean this up now!" in that awfully high-pitched voice.

Since water-splashing-skirt-drenching wasn't allowed anymore we sat under a shady bench hold
ing hands and talking like those love-struck love-birdy people. "Oh my darling, if the thorns hit me and I die you'll saaaave me right?" "Ofcourse my sweetheart."

Wednesday, 20th May
Eugene 'Mangohead' Ng's Birthday! That's all.

Sheena and I talked about nightmares & scary movies in the Discovery Lab during Chinese. Every few minutes you'd hear "HAHAHA" or "HAH-*muffled laughter*"
I like heart-to-hearts with Sheena. She's so Mama-mia.

Thursday, 21st May
I still can't believe Kris Allen won American Idol. Adam should have won. I can't say 'Screw Kris' or Jaryn's going to peel my skin off from the top of my head to my toes. Sheena missed first two periods to watch the show live.I still support Adam even if he may be attracted to men.
Honestly, it kind of makes me support him even more knowing that he's gay. Anti-gays can suck it.

For lunch we ordered McD's. Seeing as I have no money, I was given the opportunity to share some with each of them. When I say 'them', I mean Alia, Jaryn, Sheena, Shu Lynn, Grace & Danielle. The funniest part was that we were sitting right infront of the CCTV while eating. Ok, maybe it wasn't that funny.

Hey! Guess what new craze is sweeping the nation? Just watch this and you'll know.

Just think. You could be cool too. Try it!
I found this on one of the chairs in the KH lab.

Friday, 22nd May
I laughed till my tummy hurt. The boys in my class are so lame and retarded that it's actually quite funny. Even when Jaryn&I just messed with Nick's face, we ended up literally rolling-on-the-floor laughing.

Shu didn't come to school today cause her Grandpa passed away. That's all.

Alia came over after school too. When i switched on the computer my mom came upstairs and said, "Who said you can on the computer?"
Anyway, since the computer was out of bounds (again) Alia & i snuck away into my room to talk about importantly unimportant stuff. Mostly about how funny Shamin Alia is. She is funny. Really funny.

Wonder why I'm updating now? Cause she's out. & I am breaking the rules. Oh no, I am SO going to hell.

p/s: Someone stole money from me today. Pencuri-s are friggin irritating.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Colourful Black

In Starbucks at theCurve. My dad fell asleep.
When he woke up, he went to buy two vacuum cleaners.
(Please bear with me here. Everyday doesn't have to be a parade.) are some pictures that i *cough* stole *cough* from Jaryn's facebook.
Ashwin campur tangan with the Blues.
Jaryn & Glenn.
Alia wrote "Gary Kang has boobs" on another tree.
Jaryn & Ashwin.
Dillon, Jaryn & Ashwin's hand.
My cacated-squinting-in-the-sun face.
Look at the two yellows.
While writing down on our trees.
Want to know the strangest thing?
This board is for 'Saving the Trees' but they are using paper & wooden toothpicks. Hmm.
I spelled my name wrong.
Dong Hae.
JarynLimSiewLi's tree.
Arun, Nagu & Ben10.
Legs. Legs. Legs.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Open Day!


Open day was THE bomber jacks. Everything;Everyone;Everydamntree was beyond gila. Even though only a handful of people came to see the school, it was still truckloads of old-fashioned-fun. (Dan! Remember Human Giant? Old-fashioned fun!) *inside joke*

In the morning, Alia and I snuck into the Bilik Jahitan cause we were spies. I was humming the Mission Impossible theme song and were rolling, crawling and sneaking around the back of the room. Dayum funny I tell you. Later, when we went back Kim asked us, "Why were you two crawling on the floor and humming?"
Interhouse futsal was held today too. I cheered for Yellow, Red, Green, wore a Green house jersey. That is how much I support Blue. Anyway, Hugo's ankle got busted. That's all.I was born to draw Powerpuff Girls.

As you don't know, I used up all my money buying that dress for Charity Dinner. Thank goodness there were so many coupons flying around for free food & drinks at the canteen. I may or may not have drank about 3 bottles of ZOOM today.

Oh Jaryn, S looks really scary & unfriendly. Like Dong Hae said "like want to takao somebody." Go download iSperm from iTunes!

Oh Sheena, yellow house cheer wasn't THAT bad. Just not as good as before. The moment the cheerleaders stopped dancing, some basketball junkie ran onto the court to throw the ball into the basket.

Oh Alia, why did you lose Chicken? (Chicken is a purple balloon that we found floating around so we decided to adopt him.) I'm sorry I talked about Winston's sweat dripping onto the tuna puffs. Even if his sweat DID drip into the pastries, they still tasted good.

Oh Grace, you may think your Mandarin hen duan but you are miles and MILES better than me.

Oh Shu Lynn, why in the WORLD do you have purple shorts. I will burn them into little pieces of fire and throw them into the Brokeback Mountain river.

Oh Danielle, you suck at Ice&Fire. Can't you sprint?

We decided to sit at our spot in the Primary Courtyard. Just for the sake of it Me, Alia, Sheena, Dan, Eugene (Goh) and Ros decided to play tag. In the rain. Around the porch. Outside the teachers' staffroom. Upstairs. Screaming and shouting at each other.Ros trying to sneak up on Sheena.

PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! TESS' FULL NAME IS TESS YAP FATT FUI! *bursts into uncontrollable, indestructible, unfathomable laughter* That boy is like a giant, hairy-legged, braces-wearing, big bazooka.
Dan: "Tess mei you jing zi"

Jie Yao had this picture of some lala girl on the computer during ICT yesterday. I told him, "Eww lala girl. I puke on her face then she DIE."

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Papaya

T'was a good Friday. Lessons were a bore and Nicholas Tan's presentation for Science was BEYOND retarded. Overfishing DOES NOT affect Japan's population.

Gei wo ni de Jing Zi.
Wo yao ni de Hai Zi.
(Give me your sperm. I want your babies.)
Jaryn made that up this morning.

At Subway, the 8TV people were filming the Cyrens while they ate. No offense to the cheer team but it was pretty funny watching all of you awkwardly try to put on a show.

I went to Sunway with Dan after school to get a dress for Charity Dinner.
Bath time in a bucket. Behind Dan's house.
Dan: "You look like cookie monster! HAHAHA"
Mel the cat.Patches.In every store we went into, Dan & I memang laughed our buttocks off.
Miss Selfridge.
The dresses there are BEYOND expensive. 200 bucks a pop.
I got stuck trying on the blue dress.

"Help me get out of this dress before I rip it!"
Dorothy Perkins.

At Treats, I tried on a pink dress (puke. barf. gag.) and the sales lady came over with a belt and a pair of shoes. At first I thought it was fine but then she started putting the belt on for me. LET ME SHOP IN PEACE WOMAN! That was what I was thinking.
I REALLY LIKED THIS DRESS. BUT IT WAS SO PUGGING EXPENSIVE.Things to to before I die: 1) Kill the person who founded TopShop.
On the way to Asian Avenue, there was this 9 year old girl wearing a black skirt that barely covered her knickers. When we looked up as she was going up the escalator above us with her parents, her underwear was showing. Then we ran off laughing like loons.
Forever 21. We spent about 1 and a half hours there.Dan: "You look like you're sitting on an invisible stool and I'm...RUNNING AWAY!"
Dan thought it was a good idea to stuff our bags in the dresses.My favourite picture out of the lot.
Dan also thought it was a good idea to put our bras on the outside.Mmm Aviators are so yummy.
Why yes, i do look like those sergeants in the army that shout "ON YOUR FEET YOU SLIMY WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIATE!"

Danielle Ho.
Employee of the Month.