Friday, April 30, 2010

Pretty dress? Check.

Charity Dinner will be starting 2 hours from now. I'm home alone, my hair is still wet from the hour-long bath I had (apologizes to the environment), it's tied up in my towel turban, Sheena & Jaryn aren't here yet, it's humid, nothing to watch on tv, I haven't started getting my stuff ready for tonight yet and I'm nervous & excited as hell. As the saying goes, tonight's gonna be a good night. (Yeah, I know that's from the BEP.) It's going to be a good night because I will make sure everything goes ok cause I am an optimistic, happy girl that will be happy and optimistic for tonight. Hope everyone else has a good time even if you're not going :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Keep your shirt on

To put it in exaggerated terms, I almost died in the Science lab today. Brandon was holding one of the boiling tubes containing some iron-sulfur-oxide connecting to a glass tube from another test tube filled with a purple solution over a Bunsen burner. One thing led to the other, the melted goo in the tube got too hot and it exploded. There were tiny, little shards of glass all over that part of the table and the smell was like a mixture of exhaust fumes and fart.

PS: Charity Dinner tomorrow :D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One of those days

Let's go through my checklist of why today was awesome.
1. Smiles.
2. My mom booking tickets for Iron Man 2 on Saturday (mwahaha.)
3. Getting the Charity Dinner tickets.
4. Skipping Chinese class to go for senior lunch.
5. My mom booking a 4day3night stay in Penang for June.
6. Her making cheesecake - which I will remember to bring tomorrow.
7. Hearing about Jaryn's oddball dream which included being with various boys and waking up half-naked. Yeah, I bet you're really interested to know what in the world this girl was dreaming about right?
8. Having Dan & Sheena arguing over being my number one on speed-dial via Facebook.
9. Dinner at Jyu Ra Ku with my cousin.
10. Having the valet service park our car outside the restaurant.
11. Laughing about 'suami nakal dengan isterinya' with Eugene.
12. Watching the Blue House Cheer video posted my Nina on Facebook about a dozen times.
 Yeah, that about sums it up. I'm sure there are more but these are the ones that outshone the rest enough for me to remember.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Actually, quite

I've been really gay this past week. I keep giggling&making lame remarks&being gay. I'm excited for Charity Dinner this Friday :)
Yeah, that doesn't sound very gay but it is. The reason why I'm so excited is cause of the people and cause I'm finally gonna be able to wear that pretty dress that's been hanging in my closet for the past century. I was prancing around the house for my mom to get her approval. It's not very often I get to dress up cause for 5 days a week it's SriKL's wonderful orange polo uniform, when I get home it's my 5 year old t-shirts &a pair of oddball shorts and on the weekends I don't really bother enough. Besides, people stare.

PS: To my loyal readers, I wonder who you are.

Monday, April 26, 2010


It was movies & popcorn time with Alia this afternoon-evening. My dad just came back from a business trip to China yesterday and brought back a dozen or so DVDs so why not invite Alia over to watch as many movies as we can? We only managed to watch three in that short span of 6 hours.
Tan lines.

First it was 'Leap Year' which was one of those cliche chick flicks (Olney thought chick flicks meant porn) but either way, it was pretty good. Alia and I kept giggling and pig-squealing all over the sofa throughout the movie. Ugh, Matthew Goode and his 6foot2-ness who could basically tower over us by 12 inches. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, it's his height. How do we know this? IMDB.

After that it was 'Bounty Hunter' which was also pretty lawl-worthy in a way if you minus the serious bits about murders and the police. If you don't mind me spoiling this for you, the movie really is about bounty hunting. No, not the savage-assassin kind. Jennifer Aniston is this reporter whose ex-husband, Gerard Butler (who also happens to be 6foot2) is trying to send her to jail for skipping out on her trial in court after being arrested for reckless driving. There's a lot more to the story but I wouldn't want to tell you guys the whole movie right here in this post cause A) some of you haven't watched it and B) I'm not in the mood.

The last movie we watched was 'Nine'. It was...*deep in thought on how to elaborate*. Some parts took a while to understand and some couldn't even hold our attention long enough that we skipped scenes twice. The songs were nice though. Penelope Cruz is WOW. I wouldn't recommend the movie cause it's not that good but if you like girls then be my guest. Maybe some of you have different opinions on it. Maybe some of you think it's awesome and I don't but feel free to watch it.

Wonder what we had with our popcorn?
 Mozzarella cheese, garlic butter, 5 year old Hershey's chocolate syrup & peanut butter. Honestly, the thought of mashing those ingredients together would have left me skeptical too but it tasted REALLY good. Chewy, salty, garlic-y, sweet, sweet & crunchy.

PS: Alia called me gay cause I kept giggling. I know why :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

No regrets

I loved today. I loved every moment out there on that track in front of those hundreds of people. I loved hearing them cheer along and go WOOOOO!!!!

 Reached the stadium at the crack of dawn after picking Dan & Basile up. Then straight after that, when everyone else finally arrived it was make up time. I felt pretty :) I got compliments too. I mean, who doesn't like compliments? I had to go through ridiculous amounts of gel, hairspray, pins and standing in front of the foot-long mirror to get all my stray hairs into place. I'm exaggerating but it very well could have been that way. By the end of the day, my hair was as stiff as a...

We went through the routine over and over trying to squeeze in as much practice as possible before the actual performance. Farah even gave us some Redbull which helped a lot despite my mom denying its godly effects. Redbull tastes like really sweet apple juice. We didn't win but we did get second. Blue should have won. This is not biased. Blue should have won. When they announced that Red were the winners, our jaws dropped. It sucks. It really does. I have no regrets though. We did what we had to do and gave it our all.

Cheer has been one of the best experiences ever and I can't want to do it all over again next year.
 Taken with my mom's phone. The camera died on her mid-routine so she only managed to record half the performance. As far as I could see, we did awesome.
Blue House Cheeries 2010 I love you guys :D
Taken with Alia's camera before riding off into the sunset.

PS: Dan says Shu looks likes a Japanese porn star when she sprints. lawl.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm nervous. I'm shit brickingly nervous. That's normal. Being nervous is completely normal. The only problem is that it's nonsense and I don't want to be nervous. When I'm nervous, I can't sleep and when I can't sleep, I toss and turn all night and when I toss and turn all night, I feel like shit the next morning. I don't want to feel like shit tomorrow morning. I want to feel exuberant and enthusiastic and some other very large word.

As much I hate to say, today was our last actual cheer practice. No more staying back after school for 3 hours. No more having to go all the way up to the gym to get mats. No more steps to remember. After tomorrow, it'll be all worth it. Tomorrow we blue house cheeries will go out on that track and dance to what we've been taught, shake what needs to be shaken, toss what needs to be tossed, carry, cartwheel, jump and try to win that medal.

 I think I'll be praying to Jesus tonight.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sports Rehearsal today was hectic. I got a nose bleed, my cheeks and nose are rosy from the sun (maybe that's no too bad) and now I'm even more nervous for Sports Day. Out there on the track, my hands and knees were shaking like no one's business. How could I not have been nervous when
THIS many people were watching. & better yet, on the real day there's going to be twice as many people. Yay for me. I just really hope 3 months of hard work will pay off this Saturday.

I found some pictures from Facebook taken by Mr. Roland.
 See any familiar faces?
Yea, I know. I did intentionally grab the photo I was in.
This was during the TOW (which apparently stands for Tug of War. I only found out today from Jaryn who googled it.) against Blue & Yellow. Blue lost. On the bright side, Sarah got first for the 3000m run!

Tomorrow it's going to be practice, practice, practice from 8am - 4pm. Hardcore?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We'll go eat nasi lemak and they won't see us.

I don't like the girlygirl stereotype. It seems rather weak. I don't even like walking past those stores with the words 'girl' and 'power' in the same sentence let alone step into them. It's like Barbie had a baby and that baby puked all over the store. Eww. What I meant is that the baby's puke is all glittery and pink and shit cause it's Barbie's baby but nevermind if you didn't get it. That was rubbish anyway. What baby pukes out glitter?

I like cheer. I like cheer a lot. Before joining cheer, I'd never even try to dance or do anything which involved coordination of the body in public. On the first day of auditions, I was nervous &yes trying to convince myself that I wasn't. Reverse psychology thing. When Farah called my name to step out I was like OMGWTFBBQIGOTINSHITYAY inside. You know, gots to keeps my cools. Well now, I've come out of that little shell of mine - maybe just a little but still, an improvement. Oh God I remember the days when I only wore 3/4 cargo pants and tshirts. Gosh. I rue those days. Most of my little insecurities are moving out bit by bit. You know how teenage girls can be. None of them think they're perfect - even if and when they actually are. I won't go into detail about being perfect cause then I'd have to call upon references to God and how he made us to be perfect the way we are and a whole lot more of inspirational mumbojumbo but I know you get the idea of it.

Just reminding everyone though - in case you weren't aware - Sports Day is in 4 days. Be nervous. Be scared. Talk about how nervous and scared you are.

PS: Lawl. Self Indulgence.
PPS: As for why I changed the title at the top of my blog, it's cause of THIS little person on Twitter. Read his/her tweets and you'll get it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's my brother's 17th birthday today.
Nicholas Khoo Kit Choong.

My God I remember back when we used to live in Cheras (I was 9, he was 11) &I used to scream my face off at him and hit him each time we had one of those stupid sibling squabbles. I was a very crazy mofo violent sister. I'm not even exaggerating. You could here me screaming from downstairs in the car park (we lived in an apartment on the second floor.) Then I'd cry and wait for my mom to get home and tattle on him and be a bitch &one time I even got so mad (get ready to lawl.) that I threw all his clothes out of his closet. I had to pick everything up, fold it and put them back after my mom came home of course then I got a shelling. The weird thing is that he never did anything that horrible to me. He is a good boy.

As we grew older, the fights lessened and we started having more conversations without getting pissed at each other.
Anyway, soon he'll be getting his license so I'll be asking him to drive me around more often. I hope. He's actually a pretty OK kind of guy. He likes girls. He makes jokes.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chuck Norris makes snowmen out of rain.

I have spent the past couple of hours google-ing, wiki-ing, urban dictionary-ing everything and anything to do with Chuck Norris. Had one of those LOLWTF moments with my brother earlier after reading some of the epic jokes about him like how when Chuck Norris does a push up, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down and that bullets dodge Chuck Norris. I wish I were as awesome as Chuck Norris then I'd be able to SWIM THROUGH LAND and KILL TWO STONES WITH ONE BIRD?

Chuck Norris doesn't break up with his girlfriends... He punches them in the vagina and they leave.

Chuck Norris had sex with a cigarette machine.

Chuck Norris once ate an entire watermelon, including the seeds, then grew an entire watermelon patch in his stomach which fed eleven families for six weeks.

In ancient China there is a legend that one day a child will be born from a dragon and vanquish evil from the land. That man is not Chuck Norris, because Chuck killed that man.

If you were to know Chuck Norris' true name, your mind would collapse upon itself.

It's easy to piss on the ground. Chuck Norris shits on the ceiling.

 Upon reading a fictitious story in his local tabloid, Chuck Norris ripped out the heart of its writer and used his blood to fertilize his lawn. To celebrate, Norris let Steven Seagal out of his cage and beat him mercilessly. Mr. T, who was also present, pitied the shit out of Segal. Norris then fucked your wife, and lit her body on fire using pure grain alcohol and bolts of lightning from his eyes.

Chuck Norris occasionally has Missing In Action flashbacks where he's escaping a Vietnam Prison and randomly starts killing Asians with his bare fist because thats the way Chuck rolls. You'll know when it's coming because Asians start flying through the air with random explosions, horrible subtitles will scroll your line of vision, and Chuck will run and hide in your mom's garden, finally stealing your Kia Sportage screaming, "Get in the Chopper" and lines like, "I'm Proud to be a Fucking American" after kicking your little sister in the face.

Don't know who Chuck Norris is? Shame on you.
Don't find any of this even remotely shit-brickingly hilarious? Sham on you.
Don't think this makes any sense? True. Shame on you.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Things to buy: batteries.

I'm sorry. I think I've been neglecting my blogger duties. I owe you guys an update!
 Today, after a week of procrastination and 4 hours of sitting in a stuffy living room with the fan switched off out of irritation because the bloody papers just kept flying away cause gravity hates me (leading into another PMS fit) I have finally finished making my pair of pom poms. I've never realized how difficult it is to make them - maybe cause I never needed to.

Well, hello. I can't entirely remember what I did the past week. It's all fuzzy. Everything just revolved around cheer? I'm going to assume that giving you the juicy details of the past 7 days will bore you as an excuse for not having the brain power at this time of day (ie: 11.32pm) to elaborate on it. If I had the drive to remember to post something everyday then I'd have more to say other than "ohsorrycan'tremembertoobad".

It's Olney's 19th birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow I will have known him for exactly one year. That's the exact same date Jelly introduced us (via internet duh.) Stupid boy. I am not going to wish him. Just thought since he's a friend of mine that you should know if you know me therefore you should know of my friends' days of birth and so on. Like if they got medals...

Speaking of medals, my little Sheryl (meaning Shu Lynn) placed 12th for Cross-Country and got a medal for it. Clever girl. I hope she and Piong (Shun Zhe) get married or something then they'll have little piong and shu babies and I can babysit their babies while they go out on dates like how newlyweds do. They better pay me though.

PS: I'm 30, I'm 30.
I'm really really 30.
I'm 50, I'm 50.
I'm really really 50.
I'm 80, I'm 80.
I don't want to be 80.
Aliaputri, you better read this or I'm going to seem like a douche when no one that reads this understands it.

PPS: Damn you pre-menstrual syndrome. I craved for McDonald's breakfast burgers last week and now it's Famous Amos cookies.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm guessing that everyone and anyone from SriKL who has a blog will be blogging about the cross-country run today. They'll either be bitching about it, thanking their Gods about how they managed to finish/qualify, thanking their friends for cheering them on, congratulating everyone else from blueyellowredgreen or chanting words of enthusiasm. Yay.

I qualified btw. I don't know what my timing was but I contributed 2 points to Blue today :D That rids me of my nerves for now. Until Sports Day of course. When I get in front of that ridiculous crowd of people and cheer my face off. I'll probably be shitting bricks in a corner pretending to be calm while everyone else is psyching themselves up and having a last minute run-through of the routine. Then after we're done I'll be giving myself face-palms, hugging people, shaking, sweating, the list goes on. That's what I'm hoping. Sports Day is literally two weeks away. Soon I'll be mentioning "it's sports day tomorrow!" then someone will go ohemgee and wtf. "Are you nervous?" "TCHYEAH!" "Good luck!" "You too (not. mwahaha. I'm taking you down! DOWN TOWN!)"


PS: my dog's eye is infected.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Have you ever had those moments where you just feel awesome - even if you aren't - cause I'm feeling awesome right now. I'm feeling so awesome that tomorrow, I will punch Jelly in the arm. It's sad though cause I'm alone. My mom is watching tv and my brother is idon'tknow so I'm just sitting here with my syok sendiri-ness aura circulating around me. 

I finally ticked off something from my list of to-dos. Yesterday, I created a Facebook account for my DOG. Fuzzy. Nothing to do? Add him!
 Hey, it's not lifeless (maybe a little.) but if you must know he's already gotten 16 friends in less than 24 hours.

Urban Dictionary anyone?

A word that means "I Love You" in dinosaur.
-asteroid comes and kills them all-
Not a cat.
The muscle tone one gets from masturbating frequently and rigorously.
"Hey, have you seen Gary? Did he start going to the gym over summer?"

"Are you kidding? That's just masturbatone."

"Wow, he must have masturbated a lot these past few months!"

"This is a really awkward conversation for two people to have about another"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

X-country trial run

 I hate exercise. I hate moving. I hate the sun. I hate having to squint in the sun. I hate kilometers. I hate it when you've just started enjoying the bus ride and it's time to get off. I hate slow walkers. I hate that ache in your side when you do vigorous movements. I hate sweating. I hate the smell after sweating. I hate the smell of other people after sweating. I hate the dry feeling in my mouth when I need water.
Those are all things I shouldn't be saying. I'm saying them anyway.

Walked the entire route in an hour+ with Shaza, Dan & a little bit of Alia. Still died.
Taken after school with Shaza's iPhone. Lawl a fivesome.

PS: Doing stuff that other people tell you to do - like bringing alcohol to school - just cause you think it's cool? Not cool.
a) you could get expelled.
b) you'll be in deep shit.
c) really, really stupid.

PPS: I can't exactly remember what Ashwin said (unless I suddenly grow a second brain or if I had a radioactive spider bite me even though there's a huge change that that won't be happening) but it went something like this
"You girls, from now on I want all of you to wear turtlenecks and long baggy pants."

PPPS: "Jaryn, I smell fart. Did you fart?"
"[smiles and laughs] yes."

Friday, April 2, 2010

I love my class. (Trina) Gosh.

They're all a bunch of noobies but in a really, really, stupidly good way. Taken last week at the computer lab with the super-new super-laggy Macs.

I went to pay my respects to my grandfather (mom's side) and great grandmother at the columbarium (yes, I've finally found out what that place-where-they-keep-the-urns-filled-with-ashes is called thanks to Wiki & Google.) for QingMing. It's a creepy place. Dust, dim-lit passages, lighted josssticks (however you spell that. I've never been very good spelling-wise.) food in plastic containers and humans were everywhere. We saw a mini urn with a picture of a cat on it though. That was awesome. Maybe I'll cremate my dog when he moves on.