Olney came to school today all the way from Brunei! I must admit, I am terribly happy that he came to visit. Terribly. I tell you, he is blardy tall like some gigantic, Eurasian. And he smells good too. His accent is mad funny. Plus, he's got a lisp so he says 'iwwitated' instead of 'irritated'. I love teasing him about that.
Anyways, it's been a week since I've touched the computer. One. Whole. Week.
Mr Kao. John.
(forgot what he said)
Your head.
Yes it's my head.
Your balls lah...
I said, your balls lah...
In the library yesterday, Sheena was trying to study Science but i kept distracting her. First, I started laughing at the pictures in this book about ships. (She wrote 'whoah' on one of the pages.) Then, I shuffled around the shelves trying to make friction to zap some of the form 1 fellas. Sheena was giving me the what-the-fruck face the whole time. I think she ended up saying "If you do anything else, I'll kill you" 5 or 6 times.
Jaryn & Shu galloped into the library later so we left Sheena where she was to go the far end of the room, laughing and zapping away.
This morning, I 'accidentally' spat out water from the third floor. It hit Fabien. I didn't mean to! Ok maybe I did, but I wasn't aiming for him! Sorry about that. Thank goodness he was cool about it.
During assembly, there was this bloody annoying bird making that awful screeching noise CAW!CAW! That's all.
Exams were a complete fuzzy mess. I never want to compare answers with anyone cause i memang know I'll get some wrongs. Sejarah was today. 20 minutes before the exam started, everyone was frantically jumping around asking questions, reading the textbook and trying to cram in some extra info on Raja Abdullah and what-not.
Other than that, I can't remember what happened the past week. Except that Dan is in Aussie attending a wedding. I miss my buddy.
Things my dad says.
While watching PowerRangers:
They're going to sell burgers.
On paying for dinner:
You two are paying for dinner. Father's orders.
On matresses:
Malaysians like soft matresses. Those china apeks don't know how to enjoy soft matresses. All of theirs are so hard.
On my brother's virginity:
Do you think we should de-virginize Nick?
To my mom:
I loove you I neeeed you I can't live withoooout you.