Sunday, May 31, 2009

Charity Dinner

I'm too darn lazy to upload all the pictures from last night in this post. Just look it up on my Facebook if you want.Where do I begin? So many things happened last night. Too many to remember. Everyone looked so gorgeous; as if they just came out of a magazine. I've never seen so many good-looking people in one place in my life. I could not help feeling self-conscious. I think more than 200 people came. Not including the others that crashed the dinner.There was this waiter that looked awfully funny. Every time he turned his face towards us, Jaryn&I started laughing and laughing and laughing. Thank goodness he wasn't serving our table. We'd probably have choked on the food.Barely anyone ate the food anyway. Everyone was too busy taking photos with each other, talking&walking. Including me. A lot of girls brought their boyfriends and boys brought their girlfriends. Khairi asked Sheena&I why we didn't have dates. Who needs a date?Caprice came to perform too. Alia was giggly-fied that she got a picture and a hug with him. The rest is all a blur cause we were too busy drinking our soup (oh gosh.) but one of the dancers came to sit between Adam&Alia. He shook Adam's hand while still moving about on the stool. The masks they wore we veryvery nice. veryVERY nice.Nat's little sister is way adorable. I don't know how old she is but her name is Ashley. Yee Sam kept saying *cough*fuck*cough* in every sentence so she kicked him. Nat found out that she was kicking him so Ashley said, "They told me to kick him cause he kept saying the f word!" Very cute.The best thing about the night was THE DANCE FLOOR. Two hours of non-stop ass shaking, arm swinging, sweat beading, head banging, song singing, heavy breathing&bodies moving. Some odd unknown guy came up and started dancing with Alia too. Mad funny.
Li Shing. Me.
What's your name?!
HI! I'm Li Shing!
I know!

Just imagine that conversation over blaring music and us shouting out the words. Yup. It was VERY difficult to talk to anyone there.
By the end of the night, my legs were so sore and ache-ey that it even hurt to shift from foot to foot. Got home around...12.20? Slept till 10 this morning but my legs are still pretty wobbly. It's a real pain to go up and down the stairs now. Sometimes, my legs just give way mid-step.

Just one more thing before I sign off, BEST. NIGHT. SO FAR.

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