Saturday, February 27, 2010


I feel mellow today. Woke up this morning with my stomach cursing at me cause I didn't get to eat much yesterday. There were too many distractions. I had an open house which I forgot to mention before. Sheena & Alia came and so did Teng Han, Shun Zhe & Xia Ian (they just finished volleyball practice in school so thought of coming over to get some free food.) It turned out disastrous cause not only did all three of the boys' faces turn into tomatoes from the drinks, but Shun Zhe & Xia Ian couldn't even walk straight. Piong even slammed straight into the bathroom door pulling down the poster on it with him. It was his first time getting tipsy - in a girl's house.
Group shot.
Walking the Tengy & Xia Ian back to school.
Hello, manwhore.
Piong almost got hit by a car, almost fell into a longkang & almost fell into the school's swimming pool.
Cat shit.
Then we messed with the achii's(?) rubber boots.
After everyone else left, Alia & I did stupid things.
 Crawling up the stairs.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Literally skipped my entire Chinese lesson - which I later found out was a free period anyway - going around getting t-shirt sizes with Jaryn for yellow house. Yes, that is way WAY bad considering that I'm from BLUE. Anson tagged along too :) Some guy in form 2 thought I was Joshua Khoo's sister just cause my surname was Khoo too (lol. kutu.) Who is Joshua Khoo?
Olivia. The dog died…from his own cuteness cause he looked in a mirror.
 My brother is lamenuts.
Christmas '04.
I just hope he doesn't see this.

Monday, February 22, 2010


(my mum finally developed all the pictures taken in Sri Lanka, Italy & Shanghai.) 
Today, I gave myself an amateur manicure that doesn't even qualify to be considered as a manicure. It's basically just a simple clip, buff and coat of clear varnish. My attempts were somewhat mediocre cause I don't do well with my left hand. I had to reapply the polish on my right hand 3 times before I got it on correctly without losing control of the brush but I'd definitely have no future in the nail business - if there even is one.

Today, I pretended to be from Yellow house. I went with Jaryn to each Form 3&4 class to ask yellow house members for their t-shirt sizes. Nobody noticed. I toppled over a rubbish bin in 3 Lambda and got booed for it. I was trying to dwindle the mess but found shitloads of ants running around all over the floor. 
"There's ants!"
"Pick up the ants then!"
Today, I laughed about manginas during assembly with Alia. In case you didn't know what a mangina is, I'll enlighten you. It is a man vagina. In case you didn't know how it should visually look like, here is a replica.
PS: That little pigmentation on my right hand is my birthmark.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Wow, are you kidding me? I've just hit my 301st post! That's a pretty awesome achievement given the fact that I've had this blog for a little over a year now. I am glad.

 I'm usually quite contented when people ask me about my hair. They'll go, "Did you curl your hair?" which I reply (modestly of course. I don't like being portrayed as a stuck-up bimbo. Or at least I try not to.) "No, it's natural." followed by an approving gesture from the other party. All this is thanks to my dad though. When he was a YOUNG man his hair was absurdly curly and he had this strangeish-squarish kind of mini-fro going on. I know, this is such a tiny compliment but everyone needs a little boost of their ego every now and then. Actually, I like compliments. They make my day and I usually try not to forget them. It's like when you tell someone something really insignificant eons ago and they suddenly bring it up out of the blue. I like that too.
Why does this post seem to be growing a theme? All I've been talking about today are stuff I like & being glad & positivity. Soon I'll probably be quoting lyrics from The Sound of Music or ABBA.
For tomorrow's agenda, there's cheer practice from 8.30 till 12. Right after, Alia is coming with me to my grandma's house for lunch. Later in the evening we're going to Shu's house for CNY dinner. Busy busy!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Food for thought

I feel as if I'm losing that blogging drive of mine. Lately these updates keep getting shorter & delayed give or take a day or two. I no longer have that itch to get on the computer (even though I shouldn't) just to subdue the want/need to blog. You know those cravings you get right before your period? (an exception for the male organism of course.) I assume if you're a girl, you'll understand that horrible feeling when you really, really need to have whatever it is you're pining for. There was this one time that I had this humongosaurus craving for bacon. Nice, crispy, porky, bacon-ey bacon. Bacon! Well, it lasted for two weeks & every day I whined to Jaryn in class about how much I felt like eating bacon. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Do you, my most valued reader, think that I'm over-thinking the enormity of the situation? I'd like input. You are after all the reason I actualized this blog in the first place. For the public to read.

One more thing before I head off to bed. Ever wondered how it would be like if the internet was never founded? No, seriously THINK about it. Ponder. Wonder. Imagine. Rack your brain a bit. There would be no Email, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Youtube, Tumblr, Blogs, Wikipedia, Porn, Dota, Ebay & everythingandanything relating to the internet. I'm only stating the obvious but don't say you'd die. If the internet never existed, you'd have never known about it in the first place. Heh. Food for thought.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So many diseases

Italian food for dinner at Ben&Nick’s and this pregnant cat sat next to our feet throughout the entire meal. Taken with my mum’s phone so that explains the horrific quality.

Went to visit my grandad at the nursing home again. I'd like to highlight the 80-something year old man that he rooms with though. He's one of those sweet, cute little old men that are nice be around. He can't see very well and he uses a walking stick. He speaks mostly in Hokkien and a few words of English. He let my mum have a seat next to him while everyone else was busy with my grandad. His waistband is above his bellybutton. He snores when he sleeps and always has a jar of crackers next to his bed. His hair is all white with a receding hairline and he doesn't have a full set of teeth. I like him. He's pretty cool for his age.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Yesterday I:
  • Apologized to my mum.
  • Went over to my my mum's mum's house for breakfast.
  • Had my uncle from Shanghai over to eat leftovers from Saturday night's dinner. 
  • Olney came over to hand me a Valentine's present. It was a silver bracelet with the Chinese Zodiac on it.
  • I wore my pants of awesomeness from Cotton On which got some strange looks from my aunt.
  • Practically my entire family on my dad's side came over for lunch &are now laughing their heads off watching Chinese comedies on TV. The Khoo family laughs really loud. I was standing in the garden trying to get Fuzzy to come into the house and I could hear my dad going HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

 It's that time of year again. Named after Christian martyrs named Valentine, it's the day you get to do unquestionably sappy things with your special other and people won't give a damn about it. Not that they ever do but it's another excuse to send flowers, gifts, etc. This year I'm celebrating it alone. By choice. &cause no one asked me but that's no biggie :)

Just a few quotes for everyone:

Sweetheart, I've got you under my skin. I'll wash and wash, but you'll never come out.
- - - -
Roses are red, violets are blue. Sugar is sweet, and I think I left the iron on.
- - - -
I'm crazy for you! Get it?
- - - -
BE MINE. Wait. That has six letters. Six letters is so unlucky. It's like YOU DIE. That's exactly what it's like. Now you're going to die and it's all my fault.
- - - -
Honey, I'm hot for you! It's like a fever. Do you think it's viral meningitis? I bet it is. I touched the light switch and who knows what germs were on there. Then I thought about you, and infected you—it's a viral brain infection, so of course it's transmitted through brain waves, that makes perfect sense. We should probably just drive to the hospital right now.
- - - -
You're all I think about. Literally!
- - - -
You and me, sitting in a tree—oh, wait, that doesn't sound very safe, does it? Let's say we're sitting on a couch instead. Huh. I wonder who sat on this couch before us. Maybe we should put some plastic wrap down. Yeah, I think we'd better. Is this a new box of plastic wrap, or has it been opened for a while? Are you sure? OK. OK. Let's just say it's new and move on. So we're sitting on a couch, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Except that I kind of feel this tingle on my lip? Like I might be getting a cold sore? Maybe we should just forget the whole thing.
- - - -
It's hard to tell, what with all the SSRIs in my bloodstream, but I think I feel something for you.
- - - -
I'd touch you without gloves. If I could, I mean.
- - - -
I love you. Wait. That didn't feel right. Let me try it again. I love you. Don't think about disease. Don't think about disease. Don't think about disease. I love you. There.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Jelly

As much as I'd like to deny it, most of my posts have lately consisted of pictures instead of any reading material. I dislike being told what to do (on certain occasions - like this one) but according to the anonymous one named bog in the cbox, he/she/it feels it's getting rather dull. Unless his/her/its name really is bog. That would be strange to be named bog. Let me defend myself though by saying that I've only done those 'randoms around the house' a couple of times out of the 300 other posts I've done so far. Your comment made me doubt myself for that smidgen of a second. I could blame pessimistic lady hormones for all this but seriously, you must admit that the picture of the function of a penis was amusing. At least you were polite enough to say 'please'.
 I've gone yet again for another pedicure. This time with the intention of introducing red for that CNY feel. I didn't want them entirely red cause it would look like my toes were bleeding. Bleeding toes are not awesome. Neither is blood in any form other than inside your body.

There's supposed to be cheer practice in the morning tomorrow but I can't make it cause my mum has gotten me on lock-down to clean the house. I can't even discuss compromises cause she'd get pissed. As it is, she's already yelled at me for not washing a spoon today. So for the next two days it's going to be me + vacuum + mop. Yay me.

PS: Happy Holidays :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When you're too lazy to finish your homework

Instead of suffocating the post with talk about being bored, I've decided to fill with some randoms from around the house.
  1. Faux RayBan Wayfarers. Only cost me RM15.
  2. Function of a penis from my science workbook; page 22.
  3. Science workbook index page.
  4. My fingernails. Neatened them up a bit.
  5. Thumbs up.
  6. Shadow on the pillar.
  7. Lamp in the living room.
  8. Mr. Rambutan.
  9. Ipod.
  10. My dog doing what dogs do. Nothing.
  11. His paw.
  12. He just lies there everyday.
  13. Sunset in Sri Lanka last year.
  14. Animal finger puppets from Ikea.
  15. Finger puppets on my toes.
  16. This is how I keep them. Squashed in a little plastic container. It's sad but at least I won't lose any of them.

    Sunday, February 7, 2010

    It might be PMS

    This is not going to be particularly interesting whatsoever, it’s more like a “take a look at this pretty picture I drew” kind of post. I drew this two weeks ago during Art in school. I'm actually very proud of it even though it's just a duplicate of a picture in the text book - and only cause I just so happened to have felt artsy that day. Eugene kept commenting on the blasphemy of the drawing and how only this could have be created with PhotoShop. For the outlining, I used black oil pastels and soft pastels for the white & orange bits. To prove that I really did draw it - and did not get it from Google images - I've got my name written at the bottom right corner of the paper.

    Friday, February 5, 2010


    I've got the image of Mr. & Mrs. Pacman swaying to that song that goes "Let's get physical..." from the Simpsons in my head. LOL.
    Cheer practice was awesome today :D
     They've finished teaching us the steps to the dances but everyone's doing 360s mid-cheer cause the songs are so fast. It's like 1-2-3-ohshit! Then we laugh.

    Heading out soon to Sunway to celebrate Alia's birthday with dinner.

    Thursday, February 4, 2010


    I object to the dissection of frogs or any small rodents but it was cool watching the frog's heart pumping even though its chest was sliced across exposing its organs. Jaryn actually shed a few tears when the boys pierced nails through the little thing's feet. Everyone was squirming except Jie Yao who kept asking people to record the whole dissection. Sadistic retard. They even cut out the frog's tongue and messed with its intestines. I'm surprised no one spewed all over.

    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    They're magic.

    Got this on the flight back to Malaysia from Shanghai last year. It was free! Not really, my mum had gotten these vouchers worth RM300 and we could only spend it on MAS flights so we bought a whole bunch of stuff with it. & cause it was still Christmas season, everything in the catalog was 10% off. It's Dior! Why not? Haven't gotten a chance to use it yet so it's still neatly packed in the little cardboard box in came in. The gloss isn't smeared and the pencils are still sharp.