Thursday, March 18, 2010

You stupid reptile.

Went out to Sunway for lunch and a movie with Nick, (he came back from Singapore for the holidays.) Jie Yao, Jeng Jie, Ieuan, Timothy, Xiao Lin, Riena, John, Jerry and Wei Lym this morning, afternoon and evening. I've been walking around the mall for 6 hours. My legs are tired and I'm tired. After yelling at each other on what movie to watch - How to Train your Dragon - spent god-knows-how-long in the arcade getting our tokens eaten by crappy machines, yelling "DIEDIEDIE" at the zombies on the screen and continuously asking each other "Where's everyone?" cause the boys just kept walking off on their own. When we finally sit down to get something to eat at Pasta Zanmai, we wait for thousands of years for them to cook a pizza after asking for it 3 times with them reassuring us that it was "on the way" even though the waiter said the same thing half an hour before. Then I had to persuade Nick not to waste his money on a pair of RM80 plain, white canvas shoes after spending over a hundred bucks on a black hoodie from Topman. In the movie theater, we're 5 minutes late and the movie had already started. We make a hell load of noise and actually burst out laughing when Ieuan mentions - rather loudly "Oh no! I'm tumbling down the stairs!" even though he clearly wasn't. Anson - whom I was blessed to be able to sit next to - pisses off the lady in front of him cause his long legs kept pushing against her seat. After the movie, that same lady starts telling Nick off - with everyone thinking to themselves "wrongpersonwrongperson" but were just too chicken to tell her. Later, we walk around aimlessly for another hour until Dan & Alia show up from their hardcore 9am-3pm tuition. Everyone else goes home so the three of us - meaning Dan, Alia & I - take Jerry with us to sit on the man benches outside the stores while we tried on clothes inside - man benches meaning the benches outside stores where the men sit usually with the shopping bags while their girlfriend/wife was inside shopping. We felt bad so decided to let him choose the next destination - Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt. I couldn't stay though. My mom was already waiting outside in her car at the main entrance so I left, had dinner, took a shower & blogged.

There you go. I just enlightened you on my entire day in one paragraph :)

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