Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hey Best Friend

School reopened today. It didn't feel as though a week had passed. Everyone looked the same (aside from the few that got haircuts and what not.) stupid as ever. I'm kidding :)

As far as school goes I'm sure you get the picture. Wake up, brush teeth & so on. No need to elaborate on that.
I missed out on an update yesterday. Oh, you know, Merdeka and all. Another excuse to stay home for an extra day all day. Watched Watchmen (go figure.) with my parents&Nick. It's too deep to understand cause of the flashbacks from the 'superheroes'&the politics involved. I air-quote the 'superhero' part cause they don't exactly have any 'super' powers. All they do is fight good, breaking bad guys' arms (gore.) smashing their heads open with cincang knives. Except Dr Manhattan, who by the way doesn't wear pants very often unless necessary. His glory was hanging around throughout the whole movie. Not that I was staring or anything. It was just there for everyone to see. He's this blue, glowing, superhuman, radioactive man that can implode a person with a twitch of his arm.Did I mention the sex scenes? Oh right, there were a few. In my dad's attempt at being one of the pair of responsible adults in the room, he fast forwarded them. The images were going twice its normal speed so it looked like Alvin & the Chipmunks were having a pretty good time on the tv. It is beyond weird to see all that with your parents in the room. I never want that to happen again.
Put aside the gore, sex, politics and over-exposure...I still wouldn't watch it again.

Finished my KH woodwork project so I messed about with the spare planks in the lab.
"I don't wait more than 3 and 3/4 hours for anyone"
-Hannah Pitt

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