Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to everyone!
With all my love and all the flying reindee
r, I hope you have a wonder-flinking Christmas.

What Do We Love About Christmas?

What do we love about Christmas;
Does our delight reside in things?
Or are the feelings in our hearts
The real gift that Christmas brings.
It's seeing those we love,
And sending Christmas cards, too,
Appreciating people who bring us joy
Special people just like you.

By Joanna Fuchs

These are the presents I got so far :]
No matter how old I am, dolls still always make me happy. Just look at them!!

I got my mom a jewelery box, my brother a Jay Chou CD and my dad a watch box.

PS: Dear Santa, thanks.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Here's some pictures from my Thailand trip and the Mad Hatter Tea Party on 22nd.

That hole on the left is supposed to be the 'grandmother or *cough* vagina rock'

Eating roast chicken on the rocks at the viewpoint.

We were driving around minding out own business when I saw that sign.

At the airport drinking coffee and eating sandwiches.

Sheena didn't want to drink tea so she drank coke instead.

Me Alia Shu Lynn
Hey there's something on your teeth!
Take a picture! Take a picture!

Modeling for Oriental Punching Bags.

Lesbians' lover's quarrel.

Three of us were debating whether this guy or that guy was hotter. That guy won.

Sheena told me she's going to New York in March next year. I are jealous-ing. I hope she gets me a I heart NY t-shirt.Yesterday I sat at the computer for 9 hours straight so this morning my ass felt numb and fat. Stupid bum.

Alia and I are lifeless hobos. We were watching videos of people making out on youtube. Now we're both emo and stuff cause we don't get to do that. WE NEED THE LOVE!

PMS: I'm going to Bandung on the 26th
PMSS: School is starting in 12 days!

PMSSS: Good Luck for PMR results

PMSSSS: Merry Christmas Eve!

Monday, December 22, 2008


I have a craving for Wondermilk cupcakes today.
It's PMS season so I feel a little grouchy.
I slept for 10 hours but my eyes hurt.
The wire to connect the camera to the computer is lost so I cant upload pictures yet.
My dogs are being bitchy today cause I didn't give them my food.
I have mosquito bites all over.
They itch like mad cows.
My phone's battery died and
The nail polish won't come off my fingers.

Don't you just hate Mondays?

I need one of these.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


As from this minute, I will be leaving for Thailand in 3 hours and 48 minutes :]

I was at Sheena's house yesterday and we finally managed to record our video. Watch it when we post it up on YOUTUBE. Please.

Happy holidays to all my bimbotical bunch of bimbos. I'll buy you presents.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Nibble his ears

I'm going to Sheena's house tomorrow to bimb and bomb the rockets. Will show her my EPIC half-finished story idea. It will blow her mind and make her shit bricks. (she won't literally shit bricks. it's a figure of speech)

Rockets keep my toes ALIVE.

My dog got a haircut today. He looks so stupid. The lady at the pet shop put freaking RIBBONS on his ears. If you saw a guy with ribbons in his hair what would you do? Exactly.

See how sad he looks?

Stop this cruelty to domestic animals. With your help, we can make a difference. Animals will be able to run wild and free without the embarrassment of canine peer-pressure. Unless they get hit by a car. Or a truck. Or an old man on a bicycle.

PMS: I feel bright and shiny today. I feel like the air in a balloon. I feel happy.

Don't you just wish you had someone to do these things with?
  1. Sit on the couch with your boyfriend. Make sure he's distracted by the TV or something.Cuddle up nice and snug and rest your head on his shoulder.After a few minutes, randomly start playing with his hand and start examining his nails obsessively, or kiss them while smiling all cutesy.
  2. Wrap your arms around him, and smile widely.Sink your teeth firmly into his shoulder and act like a crazed Chihuahua wrestling a large chew toy. Make growling sounds.
  3. Talk to him like he's your darling wittle sweetheart, and cover his face with smoochy kisses, especially on his cheeks.
  4. Nibble on his eyebrows, using moist lips only. Some guys find this extremely ticklish, and will squirm!!
  5. If you guys are on the floor, grab his leg(s) and attempt to drag him somewhere.
  6. Apply your makeup while sitting there, and then offer to draw little designs on his face with your eyeliner.
  7. Pretend to pass out in his arms, and don't move until he gives you the kiss of life.
  8. Nibble on his ears, it will make them crazy and want you more.
  9. Stare at him...just stare. Then when he finally says: "What?" stare more, inch closer, and say "PURPLE..." then give him a kiss. And start laughing. (Only works if you AND your boyfriend are weird)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gawd gave me 2 pounds of soap

I went to church yesterday. I am a gigantic sinner cause I haven't been going since beginning of November. Now I am feeling very HOLY and PEACEFUL.

The priest was preaching during mass. I wasn't paying much attention to what he was talking about but I heard him say "Lord, touch me!" so I started paying attention. He sounded like he was calling gawd a PERVERT. I'm sure he didn't mean it to sound like that. Sorry Father Danny! The lady infront of me wasn't very happy with me either. She gave this 'I'll-bitchslap-you-if-you-laugh-again' look. Some people really need to relax.

My momma took my shopping mood and destroyed it with a hammer, a chainsaw and two flamingos. I'd rather not go into details.

11 days till Christmas :]
Still haven't decided what to buy for everyone.

A poem about donuts

Krispy Kreme, soft and light
Hot light shining through the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy joyful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Sent this vision to my eyes?
On sweet wings do I aspire
Thy round goodness does inspire.

And what fryer, and what art
Do melt the sinews of my heart
Hot glazed donut in my grasp
In my hands with napkin clasp

When the stars threw down their spears
And lifted heaven with their cheers
Yes, He smiled, thy face to see
Yes, He who made the Lamb made thee.

Krispy Kreme, soft and light
Hot light shining through the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy joyful symmetry?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's 2.30 pm

I had a bizarre dream last night...

I was in my classroom in Japan. Outside was the ocean. Water everywhere! I saw this bunch of Japanese people at war outside my window. They were throwing colored powder at each other and it was so colorful.

I asked Jaryn to pass me her camera cause I wanted to take a picture for Shu Lynn. After I took the picture, all of them started swimming to this big, green tower and climbed onto it. There were too many people so the tower collapsed into the water and crushed my class.

Suddenly, I saw Yuya (a friend from Japan) swim towards me. He asked my classmates and I to follow him somewhere but when everyone jumped into the water, for some reason, everyone just became naked.

All of us were swimming naked in the ocean until we reached dry land. Instead of walking, everyone was dragging themselves on their stomachs. I saw Phanit and he asked us to follow him too. He lead us to this swimming pool then he ran away. I jumped into the pool and crawled out again.

When I stood up, everyone was wearing clothes again. I chased after Phanit to these glass sliding doors but when went through them, I was in Sunway Pyramid.

Then my mom woke me up.

That is the WEIRDEST dream i have EVER had. So freakishly random...why was i dreaming about naked people? I am NOT a pervert.

Holy mother of mothers!! I need to spend more time with my homies. I'm becoming more and more lifeless each passing day.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Just a little...

When was your :

1. last cigarette?

2. last beverage?
Hot tea.

3. last phone call?

4. last text message?

5. last online chat to?

6. last song played?
Mute Math - Spotlight

7: last time you cried?
Few months ago. My dog had a seizure.

8. last meal?
This morning. Breakfast :)

SEVEN have you’s:
1. have you ever dated someone twice?
Never even dated :)

2. have you ever fell in love with someone you shouldn't have?

3. have you ever kissed someone & regreted it?

4. have you ever said something you regretted?

5. have you ever lost someone?:
Yes. Shu Lynn.

6.have you ever slept until 2pm?:

7. have you ever been drunk and thrown up?

THREE things you did in the past three days -
1. Watch Gossip Girl. 2. Go Potty :] 3. Daydream.

list SIX people you can tell pretty much anything to –
1: Sheena
2: Alia
3: Jaryn
4: Danielle
5: Shu Lynn

list THREE favorite colors —
1: Green 2:Yellow 3: Black/White

list FOUR things you want to do before you die
1. Bungee Jumping
2. Go to Italy

3. Get rid of my fear of the dark

4. Work in Starbucks.

This month have you…
Laughed until you cried:
Yes. Definitely!

Went behind your parents back?

Went to a party?

Watched a good movie with your friends?
Twilight :)

Made someone angry?
I don't know.

1. Your first crush?
A really long time ago.

2. Gay Marriage?
I love gay people. Of course I'd want them to be happy.

3. Lowering the drinking age?
Even if they increased it, teenagers are still going to drink.

4. Straight, Gay, or Bi?
I like boys.
I'm straight.

5. Who are the best huggers that you know?
People that want to be hugged.

6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in love at second sight.

7. Is there something you want to tell someone?

8. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
I'm not brand conscious.

9. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
Depends who my top friends are.

10. What is your current annoyance?

12. Do you want to change your name?
No. I like my name :)

13. Last time you saw your father?
This morning.

14. What did you do for your last birthday?
Went to Genting with my homies. Riding roller coasters until 1am.

15.What time did you wake up today?

16. What were you doing at 11pm last night:

17. Name something you CANNOT wait to do:
1. Go to Bandung.
2. Have the annual Mad Hatters Tea Party with my homies.

18. What is your favorite thing in your room?
My bed.

19. Who was the last friend you hanged out with?
My homies.

20. Where is your best friend right now?
In her house talking to my online :)


This morning while I was eating breakfast outside, something happened. I was sitting on a stool rocking back and forth but I lost balance so I fell backwards. It rained last night and the floor was still quite wet so when I stood up my dad asked me

"Did you wet your pants?"

my mom said

"Don't spoil my chair."

and my brother laughed at me.

Later, as I was measuring my height, I noticed that I didn't grow at all for the past 6 months or so. I told my mom about this unfortunate event and she told me to eat more long beans. I didn't know she was joking so I asked her to buy long beans for me. Then she laughed. Parents shouldn't bullshit their children like that.

I read Sheena's blog entry from Monday, November 24, 2008 yesterday and there is this sentence that made me reminisce of the fun times I had with them. I cracked up laughing like a goose-ball too.

This is what she said
went to MPH. dan and ollie found this chinglish book where they have all those cacated Chinese to English translated signs. there was a pic of a sign in the book saying "the temple will blow up the chicken cube".

While I was reading that first sentence, I forgot she was talking about the bookshop so I thought it was pronounced as 'em-puh'. I was thinking to myself "what the hell is em-puh?"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A normal conversation with my buddie


my daddy does not LUG
poor poor olivias dad
he lifts and supports
sounds like a bra
my dad is a bra
dats got to be the worst insult EVER
what does ur dad do at the hospital?
he knocks people out
that sounds funny
like he hits them with a frying pan or smthn
i mean
sleep man sleep
rest man rest

coma man oh shit COMA!!



No doubt about it (:

Eight days of mass destruction

There are eight days in a year where everyone experiences these symptoms. It cannot be avoided or prevented in any way possible.

The fi
rst stage is CONSTIPATION. You will experience problems involving the bowel movements on the first day.

On the second day, you will LOSE FOCUS of what you are doing without any reason.

On the third day, you will start realize that you are SAYING THINGS that shouldn't be saying.

The fourth stage involves you THINKING THINGS you shouldn't be thinking.

By the fifth day, you will suffer from severe HYSTERIA.

The sixth stage will bring you to a DANGEROUS state. Please try to control yourself at this stage. If anyone gets hospitalized, just blame it on your hormones.

On the seventh day you will experience more CONSTIPATION.

Last but not least is ACCEPTANCE. On the eighth day, everything will be back to normal.