Monday, December 15, 2008

Nibble his ears

I'm going to Sheena's house tomorrow to bimb and bomb the rockets. Will show her my EPIC half-finished story idea. It will blow her mind and make her shit bricks. (she won't literally shit bricks. it's a figure of speech)

Rockets keep my toes ALIVE.

My dog got a haircut today. He looks so stupid. The lady at the pet shop put freaking RIBBONS on his ears. If you saw a guy with ribbons in his hair what would you do? Exactly.

See how sad he looks?

Stop this cruelty to domestic animals. With your help, we can make a difference. Animals will be able to run wild and free without the embarrassment of canine peer-pressure. Unless they get hit by a car. Or a truck. Or an old man on a bicycle.

PMS: I feel bright and shiny today. I feel like the air in a balloon. I feel happy.

Don't you just wish you had someone to do these things with?
  1. Sit on the couch with your boyfriend. Make sure he's distracted by the TV or something.Cuddle up nice and snug and rest your head on his shoulder.After a few minutes, randomly start playing with his hand and start examining his nails obsessively, or kiss them while smiling all cutesy.
  2. Wrap your arms around him, and smile widely.Sink your teeth firmly into his shoulder and act like a crazed Chihuahua wrestling a large chew toy. Make growling sounds.
  3. Talk to him like he's your darling wittle sweetheart, and cover his face with smoochy kisses, especially on his cheeks.
  4. Nibble on his eyebrows, using moist lips only. Some guys find this extremely ticklish, and will squirm!!
  5. If you guys are on the floor, grab his leg(s) and attempt to drag him somewhere.
  6. Apply your makeup while sitting there, and then offer to draw little designs on his face with your eyeliner.
  7. Pretend to pass out in his arms, and don't move until he gives you the kiss of life.
  8. Nibble on his ears, it will make them crazy and want you more.
  9. Stare at him...just stare. Then when he finally says: "What?" stare more, inch closer, and say "PURPLE..." then give him a kiss. And start laughing. (Only works if you AND your boyfriend are weird)

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