Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's 2.30 pm

I had a bizarre dream last night...

I was in my classroom in Japan. Outside was the ocean. Water everywhere! I saw this bunch of Japanese people at war outside my window. They were throwing colored powder at each other and it was so colorful.

I asked Jaryn to pass me her camera cause I wanted to take a picture for Shu Lynn. After I took the picture, all of them started swimming to this big, green tower and climbed onto it. There were too many people so the tower collapsed into the water and crushed my class.

Suddenly, I saw Yuya (a friend from Japan) swim towards me. He asked my classmates and I to follow him somewhere but when everyone jumped into the water, for some reason, everyone just became naked.

All of us were swimming naked in the ocean until we reached dry land. Instead of walking, everyone was dragging themselves on their stomachs. I saw Phanit and he asked us to follow him too. He lead us to this swimming pool then he ran away. I jumped into the pool and crawled out again.

When I stood up, everyone was wearing clothes again. I chased after Phanit to these glass sliding doors but when went through them, I was in Sunway Pyramid.

Then my mom woke me up.

That is the WEIRDEST dream i have EVER had. So freakishly random...why was i dreaming about naked people? I am NOT a pervert.

Holy mother of mothers!! I need to spend more time with my homies. I'm becoming more and more lifeless each passing day.

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