Sunday, February 1, 2009

Manfred the bunny

my photography on the bus

Two things I have learned while in Taiwan.
1) I have acquired a phobia called 'stick-phobia
'. That means I am awfully terrified of those pointy wooden sticks used to skewer food.

2) My immunity to 13 degree weather SUCKS. I shivered like a poodle for 5 whole days.
My eye bags are so dark now. Even worse than usual. If it gets any darker, I might have to do something about it! Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
Stupid tour with the late nights and early mo
rnings. They make us get up at 6 in the friggin morning EVERYDAY.
And I can't understand a single thing the tour guide is talking about cause it's all in CHINESE. I'm a banana. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Get it?
The good thing is that I got a new purse/wallet/money holder? LeSportsac! (of course it's fake. i don't usually splurge all my savings on those things.)

PS: Happy Chinese New Year!
Ang Paos!

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