Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We'll go eat nasi lemak and they won't see us.

I don't like the girlygirl stereotype. It seems rather weak. I don't even like walking past those stores with the words 'girl' and 'power' in the same sentence let alone step into them. It's like Barbie had a baby and that baby puked all over the store. Eww. What I meant is that the baby's puke is all glittery and pink and shit cause it's Barbie's baby but nevermind if you didn't get it. That was rubbish anyway. What baby pukes out glitter?

I like cheer. I like cheer a lot. Before joining cheer, I'd never even try to dance or do anything which involved coordination of the body in public. On the first day of auditions, I was nervous &yes trying to convince myself that I wasn't. Reverse psychology thing. When Farah called my name to step out I was like OMGWTFBBQIGOTINSHITYAY inside. You know, gots to keeps my cools. Well now, I've come out of that little shell of mine - maybe just a little but still, an improvement. Oh God I remember the days when I only wore 3/4 cargo pants and tshirts. Gosh. I rue those days. Most of my little insecurities are moving out bit by bit. You know how teenage girls can be. None of them think they're perfect - even if and when they actually are. I won't go into detail about being perfect cause then I'd have to call upon references to God and how he made us to be perfect the way we are and a whole lot more of inspirational mumbojumbo but I know you get the idea of it.

Just reminding everyone though - in case you weren't aware - Sports Day is in 4 days. Be nervous. Be scared. Talk about how nervous and scared you are.

PS: Lawl. Self Indulgence.
PPS: As for why I changed the title at the top of my blog, it's cause of THIS little person on Twitter. Read his/her tweets and you'll get it.

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