Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chuck Norris makes snowmen out of rain.

I have spent the past couple of hours google-ing, wiki-ing, urban dictionary-ing everything and anything to do with Chuck Norris. Had one of those LOLWTF moments with my brother earlier after reading some of the epic jokes about him like how when Chuck Norris does a push up, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down and that bullets dodge Chuck Norris. I wish I were as awesome as Chuck Norris then I'd be able to SWIM THROUGH LAND and KILL TWO STONES WITH ONE BIRD?

Chuck Norris doesn't break up with his girlfriends... He punches them in the vagina and they leave.

Chuck Norris had sex with a cigarette machine.

Chuck Norris once ate an entire watermelon, including the seeds, then grew an entire watermelon patch in his stomach which fed eleven families for six weeks.

In ancient China there is a legend that one day a child will be born from a dragon and vanquish evil from the land. That man is not Chuck Norris, because Chuck killed that man.

If you were to know Chuck Norris' true name, your mind would collapse upon itself.

It's easy to piss on the ground. Chuck Norris shits on the ceiling.

 Upon reading a fictitious story in his local tabloid, Chuck Norris ripped out the heart of its writer and used his blood to fertilize his lawn. To celebrate, Norris let Steven Seagal out of his cage and beat him mercilessly. Mr. T, who was also present, pitied the shit out of Segal. Norris then fucked your wife, and lit her body on fire using pure grain alcohol and bolts of lightning from his eyes.

Chuck Norris occasionally has Missing In Action flashbacks where he's escaping a Vietnam Prison and randomly starts killing Asians with his bare fist because thats the way Chuck rolls. You'll know when it's coming because Asians start flying through the air with random explosions, horrible subtitles will scroll your line of vision, and Chuck will run and hide in your mom's garden, finally stealing your Kia Sportage screaming, "Get in the Chopper" and lines like, "I'm Proud to be a Fucking American" after kicking your little sister in the face.

Don't know who Chuck Norris is? Shame on you.
Don't find any of this even remotely shit-brickingly hilarious? Sham on you.
Don't think this makes any sense? True. Shame on you.

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