Monday, May 3, 2010


I'm just going to jumble up the weekend into this one post. How's that sound?

Friday night,
Maybe we didn't attend the Charity Dinner to be charitable but everyone sure knew how to party.

Saturday morning,
I wake up to the sound of Grace rummaging through her things after 6 hours of sleep?
This goes on for the rest of the day up until 4pm. Just lazing around in my room with the air-conditioning on.

Neighborhood road trip to Tanjung Sepat. Not sure where that is either but all I know is that it's an hour drive from Subang. Woke up at 7am even after getting back at 11pm from watching Iron Man 2.
This monkey is smoking a cigarette in its mouth. I'm not kidding.
Random puppy waddling around one of the rundown fruit stalls. I was practically on my knees threading through broken glass and leaves following it around trying to grab it.
"Buy three kilos of jambu and get this for free."
Nick says it's a soldier crab. Found it while roaming around before dinner.

the highlight of my day?
Taking a nap during lunch in the library with Jaryn. We were literally falling asleep in every class and each time the teacher looked away, I'd shut my eyes for 2 seconds and drift...drift...drift...eyes open. I'm sick so I have my excuses. Fever, cough, flu. I just hope it's one of those bugs that go away after a few days.

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