Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The co-curricular activities keep starting later and later each year. I went for Leo (just in case you were wondering) and we played this game called 'Honey, I love you. Please smile.' I don't know if you've ever heard of it but I haven't. Maybe you haven't either. It's played with a group of guys and girls. The girls will go up to a guy and say "Honey, I love you. Please smile." and do whatever it takes to make him smile. If he does, she takes his place and he has to go up to another girl and do the same. It was fun actually. I survived from being called out. Brandon on the other hand (who so happens to be the president of the club this year) ended the game by lifting up his shirt trying to make Jacquelynn smile. Que horrendous amounts of laughter.

Lately, we've been getting loads of homework which I keep failing to finish. The next day when someone asks me about the homework I go SHIT! cause I usually forget there even is homework. Then there's all these projects we have to complete. Right now I've got both Sejarah and Geography piled up in front of me but I can't do anything about it cause the pen I'm using for them ran out of ink so I'll probably have to walk to the 100yen store to get new ones tomorrow and I don't know how to huraikan Kepentingan Kitar Semula. How much can you write about recycling? I tell you, I'm sitting here like a retard typing out my draft on Microsoft word and it's turning out to be complete rubbish cause I'm not in that mood to study you know? Sometimes I wish I were Yung Ju - in that non-middlefingershowing-cursethrowing-picksnoseandflicksatpeople sort of way. Actually, scratch that I don't want to be Yung Ju.

PS: My brother is the vice for the Japanese Culture club and he promised to save me some sushi :)

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