3rd time this year that I've had to get prescribed pills from a doctor. This time it's little orange painkillers with embossed crowns on them to rid of the fever&headaches.
Missed school for 3 days in a row (including today.) to stay at home, watch TV&sleep for 12 hours a day. After getting back from the clinic yesterday, I kong-ed out for another 4 hours. That's a total of around 40 hours of sleep in 3 whole days.
I've been encased in this cocoon of blankets in the living room living only on water, the bitter juice that my mom keeps making, boiled noodles&bread. My fever has subsided but my head is still throbbing on and off.
I'm so used to this 'not-going-to-school' regime that I almost forgot that in two days it's back to the same routine again. Wake up at 7 in the morning, pee, brush my teeth, change into uniform, put on my socks, go to school, study, go home, eat, watch tv, sleep. Then it repeats itself. That doesn't sound very...WorldDomination worthy.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wants me for my bread
Hey, it's a Monday.
Dan is coming over to bake Kiwanis cupcakes with me tomorrow. We'll be selling them on Wednesday in the canteen during break. RM3 each.
The mini ones will be RM1 for 5.
If you tried them the week before last, you'll know they're good.
Dan is coming over to bake Kiwanis cupcakes with me tomorrow. We'll be selling them on Wednesday in the canteen during break. RM3 each.
The mini ones will be RM1 for 5.
If you tried them the week before last, you'll know they're good.
P/s: There's a fine line between being funny&being (dare I say it.) lame.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Rational thinking
Nick&my parents went out for yet another foot massage. I'm guessing they won't be back for another hour, so I'm home alone for now. I love having these quiet times at home. No TV. No radio. No people. Just me, you & the computer whirring slightly. The dog doesn't count cause all he does everyday is eat. sleep. shit. & whatever dogs do when no one's looking.
Upstairs in my brother's room with the My Little Pony doll on the table & the blue marker on standby. (for if I feel the urge to write something down.) Slapped on the lip balm Shu&Jaryn got me. (been applying&re-applying it all day just cause it smells nice.) Sanitized my hands with the 'waterless-handwash'. (Watsons yo.) Hair just finished drying itself and am now ready to sit down on the chair for an hour at the computer to blog.
I don't like feeling invisible. Two people banged into me & my mom forgot I was telling her a story. I'm still slightly drained from yesterday. (it's like the funky aftertaste from the fun.) Usually on these type of days, all I want to do if go home and sleep it off. But as far as I've known, my dad always just-so-happens to choose these days to go out. I don't sulk (at least I try not to.) but I can't be happy-happy joy-joy everyday. Going up the escalator to the carpark, my dad says, "You better stop sulking."
Now for the paranoia. I'm wondering if whoever is reading this is thinking, "Oh em gee, she damn spoilt. Everything also must complain." (sorry for the bad english. I'm not degrading but that's how the slang goes.) I'm positive that no one is thinking that but I give it the benefit of the doubt.

I wish I were deaf,
so i wouldn't have to hear.
I wish I were blind,
so i wouldn't have to see.
I wish I were dumb,
so i would be;
could be;
should be;
Bliss by Michelle Campelle.

Proof that you are a bum .
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Hey yo
My head is inflated with the music from the dance floor. I still feel that BOOM BOOM BOOM ricocheting around my brain. My feet hurt&I feel like a mess.
Leo Installation was beyond awesome. I pledged (along with the other 100 people)& I am now officially a Leo member! Even got a badge to prove it.

We want to roar &
We want to roar now.
Roar (x7) Miao.
Black Light Banquet performed on stage& everyone (almost) was singing along with the lead singer, Adrian. After they finished performing, Dan&I shouted "We love you Bernard!" at the tubby bass player.
Dan said we looked like Italian waitresses with our white shirts&black ties. Sheena&Alia were going around 'interviewing' people with their notebooks too. It gave me an idea.
"I'll be your waitress today, what would you like?" Alia.
"I want a slice of you!" Black Light Banquet drummer.
After the formal parts adjourned, then came the dance floor! A lot of people left that time & it was so potong cause I was looking forward to that part of the whole event. I expected the stage to be packed with people but I guess not. There was actually S P A C E between each group of people. Most of the students that really danced were SriKL-ians. Potong potong potong.
(the pony Dan gave me yesterday.)
Kept 'flirting' with Shu the whole time the VIPs were making their speeches. Oh no the apocalypse! (what?!)
Danced all the way out of the hall, took off our heels to walk down 4 flights of stairs, put them back on and said our goodbyes&see-you-on-monday-s. I waited with Shaza till my mom came to pick me up. She lost her voice :D I couldn't even pronounce floor properly too (said it as flow.) & the both of us sat on the stairs talking about lame stuff.
The moment I reached home I changed out of my sweaty clothes & into clean ones. Then I went downstairs, opened the fridge & made myself a nice tall glass of RIBENA!
P/s: I'm glad I didn't decide to bail out.
We want to roar &
We want to roar now.
Roar (x7) Miao.
Black Light Banquet performed on stage& everyone (almost) was singing along with the lead singer, Adrian. After they finished performing, Dan&I shouted "We love you Bernard!" at the tubby bass player.
Dan said we looked like Italian waitresses with our white shirts&black ties. Sheena&Alia were going around 'interviewing' people with their notebooks too. It gave me an idea.
"I'll be your waitress today, what would you like?" Alia.
"I want a slice of you!" Black Light Banquet drummer.
After the formal parts adjourned, then came the dance floor! A lot of people left that time & it was so potong cause I was looking forward to that part of the whole event. I expected the stage to be packed with people but I guess not. There was actually S P A C E between each group of people. Most of the students that really danced were SriKL-ians. Potong potong potong.

Kept 'flirting' with Shu the whole time the VIPs were making their speeches. Oh no the apocalypse! (what?!)
Danced all the way out of the hall, took off our heels to walk down 4 flights of stairs, put them back on and said our goodbyes&see-you-on-monday-s. I waited with Shaza till my mom came to pick me up. She lost her voice :D I couldn't even pronounce floor properly too (said it as flow.) & the both of us sat on the stairs talking about lame stuff.
The moment I reached home I changed out of my sweaty clothes & into clean ones. Then I went downstairs, opened the fridge & made myself a nice tall glass of RIBENA!

Friday, July 24, 2009
It says 10.31pm on the clock on my computer.
Skipped school to go to Sunway Lagoon.
Woke up to Grace jabbing me at 7 in the morning. I talked to her for an hour before I brushed my teeth. Then Alia came around 8 and all of us squashed on the bed for another hour talking&laughing. Both of them were wearing 'I heart HK' and 'I heart Istanbul' shirts. Saw Kellan Lutz and his bulu on Shaza's blog later and laughed like shit for who knows how long.
We had egg sandwiches for breakfast with lots and lots of mayonnaise.
All 5 of us squeezed into one Myvi after Sheena & Dan came.
I used to ask my mom if I could get it and she always said no. I finally get one 6 years later.
(Aww...no pictures cause noone remembered to bring their camera.)
On the boot ride, the operator guy was nice. He let us go for 3 rounds non-stop. & we have a new friend. His name is Sivaraj. He works at the water rapids.
The first thing Dan did when we got in the water was skid her back on the bottom of the lazy river. She&I were even sacrificed to the 'Gods' today. (We were just pulled around the whole river on our backs.)
After Lagoon, met up with Shu &went to try out Popeye's. The chicken is DAYUM good. The guy at the counter even gave us free jam and mash potatoes.
"It's 30 sen for the jam."
"Nevermind, you can still have it."
"Try our mash potatoes. It's special. Only 1 ringgit."
"Nevermind, I'll just give you one to try."
& I even forgot to pay for the food. By accident. Ended up paying for it after realizing I didn't. Ran back and forth from the counter to our seats cause first, I didn't take enough cash from my bag. Next, they wouldn't except my torn 5 ringgit bill. Last was to get the change.
I saw Boon Quan (muahaha.my cousin.) I literally ran after him. When i reached where he was, I just stood beside him. He saw me, said "HEYYYYY!" & we walked the opposite direction he was going with his friends. I never knew he pierced his ear. The stud was shiny.
Harry Potter is GOOOOOD. In the cinema there was this guy that laughed like a donkey on acid. During the funny parts, everyone would laugh. After everyone stopped, he laugh then the 6 of us would laugh at him and someone else would laugh at us for laughing at him. Good movie. Go watch it.
After the movie, we went to Popular bookstore and bought books&magazines. Met up with my brother to go to Yogurberry. I like frozen yogurt with mangoes now. It's yummy.
Finally, with 10 hours under our belts, came home. All of them eventually went home. Now I'm blogging & the house seems so silent without them here. Oh well, meeting them tomorrow anyway for the Leo Installation :D
Skipped school to go to Sunway Lagoon.
Woke up to Grace jabbing me at 7 in the morning. I talked to her for an hour before I brushed my teeth. Then Alia came around 8 and all of us squashed on the bed for another hour talking&laughing. Both of them were wearing 'I heart HK' and 'I heart Istanbul' shirts. Saw Kellan Lutz and his bulu on Shaza's blog later and laughed like shit for who knows how long.
We had egg sandwiches for breakfast with lots and lots of mayonnaise.
All 5 of us squeezed into one Myvi after Sheena & Dan came.
I used to ask my mom if I could get it and she always said no. I finally get one 6 years later.
(Aww...no pictures cause noone remembered to bring their camera.)
On the boot ride, the operator guy was nice. He let us go for 3 rounds non-stop. & we have a new friend. His name is Sivaraj. He works at the water rapids.
The first thing Dan did when we got in the water was skid her back on the bottom of the lazy river. She&I were even sacrificed to the 'Gods' today. (We were just pulled around the whole river on our backs.)
After Lagoon, met up with Shu &went to try out Popeye's. The chicken is DAYUM good. The guy at the counter even gave us free jam and mash potatoes.
"It's 30 sen for the jam."
"Nevermind, you can still have it."
"Try our mash potatoes. It's special. Only 1 ringgit."
"Nevermind, I'll just give you one to try."
& I even forgot to pay for the food. By accident. Ended up paying for it after realizing I didn't. Ran back and forth from the counter to our seats cause first, I didn't take enough cash from my bag. Next, they wouldn't except my torn 5 ringgit bill. Last was to get the change.
I saw Boon Quan (muahaha.my cousin.) I literally ran after him. When i reached where he was, I just stood beside him. He saw me, said "HEYYYYY!" & we walked the opposite direction he was going with his friends. I never knew he pierced his ear. The stud was shiny.
Harry Potter is GOOOOOD. In the cinema there was this guy that laughed like a donkey on acid. During the funny parts, everyone would laugh. After everyone stopped, he laugh then the 6 of us would laugh at him and someone else would laugh at us for laughing at him. Good movie. Go watch it.
After the movie, we went to Popular bookstore and bought books&magazines. Met up with my brother to go to Yogurberry. I like frozen yogurt with mangoes now. It's yummy.
Finally, with 10 hours under our belts, came home. All of them eventually went home. Now I'm blogging & the house seems so silent without them here. Oh well, meeting them tomorrow anyway for the Leo Installation :D
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Roar roar Miao
I'm joining Leo Club :D
Brenda shouts really loud.
Joon Meng bought the Leo tie for me.
I'm going for the installation this Saturday.
Spat out water on Jeng Jie&Leon in class.
Stephanie looks so happy with Zhou Wei.
(Que oohs&aahs)
Aliaputri likes my food.
I played Pokemon with Grace on her NintendoDS :D
It got confiscated after that cause of Joey.
Hariz has square eyebrows.
I have to wear black heels on Saturday.
Got a bonus mark for Moral after pleading to Pn Nurul.
Talked about Adam Lambert during Chinese with Sheena.
Grace&I were conned by Jaryn.
I scolded Jelly for sticking the paper that he stuck over his mouth on my pencil box.
Just accepted a friend request from Prasad on Facebook.
I miss Rachel Cheah :(
I still wonder if people can read my mind. Not that there's much up there for now, but it worries me. They probably know more about me that I do about myself. Once in a while I realize I'm thinking and I tell those 'people' (in my head of course.) to stop reading my mind. It's stupid & very very paranoid.
Brenda shouts really loud.
Joon Meng bought the Leo tie for me.
I'm going for the installation this Saturday.
Spat out water on Jeng Jie&Leon in class.
Stephanie looks so happy with Zhou Wei.
(Que oohs&aahs)
Aliaputri likes my food.
I played Pokemon with Grace on her NintendoDS :D
It got confiscated after that cause of Joey.
Hariz has square eyebrows.
I have to wear black heels on Saturday.
Got a bonus mark for Moral after pleading to Pn Nurul.
Talked about Adam Lambert during Chinese with Sheena.
Grace&I were conned by Jaryn.
I scolded Jelly for sticking the paper that he stuck over his mouth on my pencil box.
Just accepted a friend request from Prasad on Facebook.
I miss Rachel Cheah :(
I still wonder if people can read my mind. Not that there's much up there for now, but it worries me. They probably know more about me that I do about myself. Once in a while I realize I'm thinking and I tell those 'people' (in my head of course.) to stop reading my mind. It's stupid & very very paranoid.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I've got long fingernails
Last day of exams :D
Jaryn asked me,
"Aren't you stressing out about Science?"
"So you know everything already?"
Grace brought her Ninny-tendoDS again and we played with the dog that I named DOG in one of the games. Its backside is so-effing-adorable! It even responds when we say "Dog". I was speaking with that annoying high-pitched voice (which I normally get when I'm excited.) all the way to the canteen cause of that virtual doggy.
Jaryn asked me,
"Aren't you stressing out about Science?"
"So you know everything already?"
Grace brought her Ninny-tendoDS again and we played with the dog that I named DOG in one of the games. Its backside is so-effing-adorable! It even responds when we say "Dog". I was speaking with that annoying high-pitched voice (which I normally get when I'm excited.) all the way to the canteen cause of that virtual doggy.
He didn't.
The corn to my knee. HAHAHA
P/s: I'm celebrating my birthday this Friday with the other 6. What are we doing? Hush hush, it's a secret :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Time is practically disintergrating under my fingertips. I've only got a month left to finish my Sejarah Folio & so far, since before the mid year holidays I've only gotten through 3 pages of it. It's supposed to be this inch-thick booklet of some sort all about TheHistoryOfSriKL. If only I weren't so piggy, I'd probably be done now. maybe even over-done. Of course I could be doing it now but I'm giving my conscience the excuse that I'll get on with it after the exams are over cause I need to study. But I'm not studying. I'm here, on the computer (even when I was reluctantly told by my mom on Sunday that I was forbidden to touch the computer for the whole duration of the exams.) blogging about worrying about the deadline. That wretched deadline.
On a lighter note, clean hands really do lift up your mood. In class (while having a last-minute cramming session with Nick, Jelly, Jaryn, Chrystal & Eugene.) I got fed up of reading&re-reading the text book so I whipped out (like in those movies where stuff always magically appears out of nowhere.) my trusty HandSanitizer & next thing you know, all of us are instantly laughing about God-knows-what. They should start having studies in those big Science facilities (you know, the ones where there are about a gazillion guys in glasses.) about the influence of cleanliness on people's moods.
On a lighter note, clean hands really do lift up your mood. In class (while having a last-minute cramming session with Nick, Jelly, Jaryn, Chrystal & Eugene.) I got fed up of reading&re-reading the text book so I whipped out (like in those movies where stuff always magically appears out of nowhere.) my trusty HandSanitizer & next thing you know, all of us are instantly laughing about God-knows-what. They should start having studies in those big Science facilities (you know, the ones where there are about a gazillion guys in glasses.) about the influence of cleanliness on people's moods.
People are like farts, they smell

This is Patrick. Hariz kept calling him Clifford.
Something is wrong with Jelly. When the whole bunch of us were cramming before the Sejarah exam, he wouldn't stop taking the red dog away from me.

Got this from Pin Zheng. In case you were wondering what in the world is in that bottle, it's salt&paper stars. (Grace tasted it to make sure.) I don't know what was going through his mind when he thought of giving me a jar of SALT. & it's made of glass. On the way home I was worried the paper bag it was in would give way cause it was so heavy. Made Hariz carry it for me. It's nice that he gave me something though.
Now I'm puzzled as to what to do with it.
Almost everyone suggested I eat it. Alia said to donate it to the orphanage so they won't go hungry. & Anson said there was probably a diamond ring inside.
Now I'm puzzled as to what to do with it.
Almost everyone suggested I eat it. Alia said to donate it to the orphanage so they won't go hungry. & Anson said there was probably a diamond ring inside.
Monday, July 20, 2009
One year older

Happy Birthday Olivia :D
I will post something today instead of bumming off downstairs watching tv, waiting for my dad to get home.
This morning, I woke up with 6 messages, all saying "Happy Birthday!". Jaryn's was the longest :) The doorbell rang and Sheena&Dan were hiding behind the plant outside my front door.
Nick tan baked some chocolate cupcakes and brought them to school. He gave me the biggest one which was 3 times the size of the rest :DD
This morning, I woke up with 6 messages, all saying "Happy Birthday!". Jaryn's was the longest :) The doorbell rang and Sheena&Dan were hiding behind the plant outside my front door.
Nick tan baked some chocolate cupcakes and brought them to school. He gave me the biggest one which was 3 times the size of the rest :DD
P/s: Thank you for all the wishes everyone :)
This piece of paper fell under my brother's bed. When I tried to get it back, my arm got stuck. I had to call Nick to help me get out but he didn't hear me the first 5 times so I just lay there helpless with my arm trapped under a bed.
click it to enlarge. you HAVE to read what she wrote.
From my aliaputri.
I love food. Of all the 7 deadly sins, I know that i practice Gluttony. Gluttony has always been my favourite sin. This sin is the one that I do accept and understand why it is considered a negative thing. Stuffing our faces and taking more than we need even when other’s need it as well is a horrible thing. Yet i don’t allow this opinion to phase me.
This piece of paper fell under my brother's bed. When I tried to get it back, my arm got stuck. I had to call Nick to help me get out but he didn't hear me the first 5 times so I just lay there helpless with my arm trapped under a bed.

I love food. Of all the 7 deadly sins, I know that i practice Gluttony. Gluttony has always been my favourite sin. This sin is the one that I do accept and understand why it is considered a negative thing. Stuffing our faces and taking more than we need even when other’s need it as well is a horrible thing. Yet i don’t allow this opinion to phase me.
Gluttony is an enormous part of what makes me, me.
and I accept that without hesitation :)
That's why now, I'm going to go eat dinner.
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Not to keep my hopes up and all but I'll be expecting lots of wishes tomorrow :) Hopefully of course. It's my day & for this one day out of the 364 other days of the year, I will be allowed to do anything I want. I won't even care if this sounds self-absorbed cause it's my birthday tomorrow! Holy Shit Cakes, I'm going to be 14.
What happened yesterday?
As everyone in SriKL knows, exams started last week. For the form1&2s it started yesterday. A Saturday. The BM & Moral papers weren't as hard this time. Or maybe it's cause I'm trying not to go berserk over what-to¬-to study. Spent 80% of yesterday reading a Stephen King book.

At the bakery shop (?) bought all the supplies for next week's cupcake sales. I love the smell of that place. It's so buttery & sweet & yummy. But while I was looking for cupcake holders, this lady came up to me and asked "Do you work here?" "No." "Oh, sorry *laughs*" It's not the awkwardest moment of my life, but it's definitely up there somewhere. Got the sprinkles.

Kevin wished me Happy Birthday after class in church this morning. That was nice of him :) even though he's one day too early.
Went to Sunway & my dad got two new watches. When we got home, he dashed upstairs saying "I'm going to go play with my new toys!"
My mom baked her special cheesecake for me for tomorrow. It just popped out of the oven and the whole house is flooded with the smell of it.
Got this from Aliaputri's blog:
Think back six months ago, were you single? Who are you dating?
Indeed I was single.
What do you carry with you at all times?
I don't like carrying things, but if I had to it'd be my phone.
When you say you don't care, do you mean it?
I try to mean it & I tell myself I don't care but eventually I crack.
How are you feeling?
Is something wrong right now?
Are you mad at someone?
What's on your mind?
"What am I going to eat for dinner?"
Are you jealous of someone right now?
What for? I'm trying to rid of my green-eyed-monsters.
Do you want to start over with anyone?
It hasn't ended yet.
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I'm not sure, ask someone else.
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Studying :)
True love or 1 billion bucks?
I am a materialistic hopeless romantic.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Oh. Now that I think of it, no.
Anything you would change about your life right now?
I would if I could.
You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get?
Behind my ear :D
Could you cry right now?
NOW? no.
Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?
Are you okay with the life you live?
I'm okay :)
Last person you told a secret to ?
Um. Olney I think.
Do you like hugs?
YESYESYES. times a million.
When was the last time you cried?
I don't want to remember.
How much money did you spend today?
None :D
What's something you really want right now, be honest.
I. want.
How do you feel about your hair right now?
It's happy in my towel turban. I just took a bath.
What did you do yesterday?
Went to school. Ate crab.
Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret?
I might. Someday. IF they regret it.

Friday, July 17, 2009
I got a pea

Decided to check my inbox thinking that after 2 weeks, it's finally time to clear it up before mail starts bouncing back. I've had 273 emails (mostly all of those pointless chainmails.) sitting there for two weeks practically abandoned and collecting dust (does the internet have dust?) but then one of those chains had this really sweet story in them :)
Cory: Mom, listen. I haven't been together with Topanga for twenty-two years, but we have been together for sixteen. 'Kay, that's a lot longer than most couples have been together. I mean, when we were born, you told me that we used to take walks in our strollers together in the park. When we were two, we were best friends, I mean, I, I knew everything about this girl. I knew her favorite color. I knew her favorite food. Then we became six, you know, and Eric made fun of me because it wasn't cool to have a best friend that was a girl or even know a girl, so for the next seven years I threw dirt at her. I like to call those "the lost years". Then when I was thirteen, Mom, she put me up against my locker and she kissed me. I mean, she gave me my first kiss. She taught me how to dance. She was always talking about these crazy things and I never understood a word she said. All I understood was that she was the girl I sat up every night thinking about, and when I'm with her I feel happy to be alive. Like I can do anything. Even talk to you like this. So that's, that's what I feel is love, Mom, when I'm better because she's here. And now she won't be. So we're finished.

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