Sunday, July 19, 2009


Not to keep my hopes up and all but I'll be expecting lots of wishes tomorrow :) Hopefully of course. It's my day & for this one day out of the 364 other days of the year, I will be allowed to do anything I want. I won't even care if this sounds self-absorbed cause it's my birthday tomorrow! Holy Shit Cakes, I'm going to be 14.

What happened yesterday?

As everyone in SriKL knows, exams started last week. For the form1&2s it started yesterday. A Saturday. The BM & Moral papers weren't as hard this time. Or maybe it's cause I'm trying not to go berserk over what-to&not-to study. Spent 80% of yesterday reading a Stephen King book.After school my mom, Nick & I went to go pick up my dad at the office to go eat :D I saw some puke outside the restaurant. It was green and it consisted mainly of rice. Poor fellow who puked.

At the bakery shop (?) bought all the supplies for next week's cupcake sales. I love the smell of that place. It's so buttery & sweet & yummy. But while I was looking for cupcake holders, this lady came up to me and asked "Do you work here?" "No." "Oh, sorry *laughs*" It's not the awkwardest moment of my life, but it's definitely up there somewhere. Got the sprinkles.Hohoho, & I had crab for dinner. By the time I was done eating, both my hands were covered in gravy, I had crab shells on my elbows & only my side of the table had bits and pieces of food all over. My fingers smelled like fish the rest of the night. When we got home, watched 'Wolverine' & 'Night at the Museum2' with my dad till 1am. My dad kept commenting on how buff Hugh Jackman is. (Cause I think maybe he's abiiiiit jealous?)

Kevin wished me Happy Birthday after class in church this morning. That was nice of him :) even though he's one day too early.

Went to Sunway & my dad got two new watches. When we got home, he dashed upstairs saying "I'm going to go play with my new toys!"

My mom baked her special cheesecake for me for tomorrow. It just popped out of the oven and the whole house is flooded with the smell of it.

Got this from Aliaputri's blog:

Think back six months ago, were you single? Who are you dating?
Indeed I was single.

What do you carry with you at all times?
I don't like carrying things, but if I had to it'd be my phone.

When you say you don't care, do you mean it?
I try to mean it & I tell myself I don't care but eventually I crack.

How are you feeling?

Is something wrong right now?

Are you mad at someone?

What's on your mind?
"What am I going to eat for dinner?"

Are you jealous of someone right now?
What for? I'm trying to rid of my green-eyed-monsters.

Do you want to start over with anyone?
It hasn't ended yet.

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I'm not sure, ask someone else.

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Studying :)

True love or 1 billion bucks?
I am a materialistic hopeless romantic.

Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Oh. Now that I think of it, no.

Anything you would change about your life right now?
I would if I could.

You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get?
Behind my ear :D

Could you cry right now?
NOW? no.

Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?

Are you okay with the life you live?
I'm okay :)

Last person you told a secret to ?
Um. Olney I think.

Do you like hugs?
YESYESYES. times a million.

When was the last time you cried?
I don't want to remember.

How much money did you spend today?
None :D

What's something you really want right now, be honest.
I. want.

How do you feel about your hair right now?
It's happy in my towel turban. I just took a bath.

What did you do yesterday?
Went to school. Ate crab.

Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret?
I might. Someday. IF they regret it.
I want you to wake up one day and realize that you can't live a day without me with you.

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